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I'm going to see if the car starts; keep your fingers crossed!我倒想看看这辆车能否发动;祝你好运!So your interview's tomorrow? Good luck!这么说明天你要去面试?祝你好运!Good luck! We're all rooting for you.祝你好运!我们都支持你。You're going to ask her father for money? Best of British, mate!你打算向她父亲要钱?祝你好运,老兄!I think you're taking a big risk, but anyway, best of luck!我想你是在冒大风险,但是不管怎样,祝你好运!Good luck, we'll be rooting for you.祝你好运,我们会支持你的。Good luck Archie! Enjoy your new job.祝你好运,阿奇!愿你新的工作干得开心。Good luck! I hope all goes well.祝你好运!我希望一切顺利。 |