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词汇 礼拜
例句 There were usually most people at the evening service.晚上的礼拜一般人最多。He is attending evening services.他正参加晚祷礼拜The journey was accomplished in five weeks.花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。A young man sounds the bell to start the Sunday service.一个年轻人鸣钟宣布周日的礼拜开始了。The church bells called the worshippers to prayer.教堂钟声召唤礼拜教徒祈祷。Mrs Dobson invited us to dinner after church.多布森太太邀请我们做完礼拜后到她家吃饭。He never went to church.他从未去教堂做过礼拜We waited in the square for Mrs. Dodd until church was over.我们在广场上等多德太太,直到礼拜结束。I got a new coat in that store last week.礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。The priest ended the service by saying a short prayer.牧师作了个短短的祷告结束了礼拜Some churches have found it profitable to hold services during the week.有些教堂发现在非周末的日子举行礼拜大有益处。He attends the Baptist church.他参加浸礼会教派的礼拜We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.我们惴惴不安地过了几个礼拜,等待考试成绩出来。Friday evenings we go to temple. 星期五晚上我们都去会堂礼拜The church used Latin as the liturgical language.这个教堂用拉丁语作为礼拜用语。Christian/Sikh/Muslim worship基督教/锡克教/伊斯兰教的礼拜The carpet was shampooed last week.地毯是上个礼拜洗的。I'll see her after church.我做完礼拜后去看她。They closed the service with a hymn.他们唱一首赞美诗结束礼拜I've been flat on my back with the flu all week.我感冒了,整个礼拜卧病在床。After weeks of planning, the big day finally arrived.准备了几个礼拜,大喜的日子终于到来了。The temple contains a strange commixture of Brahamanical and Buddhist worship.在这所寺院里,对婆罗门教的礼拜和对佛教的礼拜奇怪地混在一起。I attend an Eastern Orthodox church.我参加了一次东正教礼拜At our school, we always went to chapel twice a day.在学校时,我们总是一天做两次礼拜They agreed to meet at the chapel after the service.他们约好礼拜结束后在教堂见面。I had flu and was off sick for a week.我得了流感,有一个礼拜没来。A church service is often concluded with a blessing.礼拜常以祈神赐福而结束。At the end of the service, scores of worshippers streamed down to the altar.礼拜结束时,许多敬拜者涌向圣坛。The priest gave the blessing and the service ended.牧师做完祈恩祷告,礼拜结束。On Sundays, the family went three times to chapel.每到星期天,这家人就去做三次礼拜The office is at full stretch in the weeks leading up to Christmas.在圣诞节前的几个礼拜,办事处忙得昏天暗地。They passed around the plate during services.他们在礼拜过程中逐一传递奉献盘。The bells were tolled for the service.礼拜的钟声敲响了。The people worshipped at wayside shrines.人们在路边的圣祠礼拜He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital.在医院住了两个礼拜后,现在他能外出走动了。The project was delayed for two weeks so we're trying to make up for lost time.该工程拖了两个礼拜,因此我们在尽力地赶进度以弥补耽误的时间。




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