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词汇 碎成
例句 The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces.尺子裂开了,碎成了小片。The glass fell to the floor and broke into fragments.玻璃杯落在地上碎成破片。The sea shells are pounded into small fragments by the Atlantic.大西洋水流的冲击使得贝壳都碎成了小片。The cake just broke into pieces when I cut it.我刚切,蛋糕就碎成一块块的了。The pole lay in shards on the pavement.杆子碎成一段段地倒在人行道上。The pie was falling apart as I tried to serve it.正当我想要把派端上桌时,它却突然碎成了好几块。The vase broke into several pieces, but I was able to stick them all back together.花瓶碎成了好几块,不过我把它们全部粘回去了。I picked the bag up, and it went to pieces in my hands.我拿起那个包,结果它就在我手中碎成许多片。The old cloth fell to dust as she touched it.她一碰那块古帛,它就碎成了粉末。




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