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词汇 破损
例句 Do not use the cream on broken skin.不要在破损皮肤的表面涂护肤霜。The pots are transported carefully to reduce the risk of breakage.这些瓶瓶罐罐要小心搬运,以减少破损的风险。Though dilapidated, the house has great capabilities.这房子虽然破损,可还大有利用价值呢。The vase was damaged beyond repair.花瓶破损得无法修补了。The country's infrastructure is crumbling because of inadequate investment.该国基础设施因为投资不足而日益破损The furniture was battered beyond recognition.家具破损得叫人认不出了。Accidental breakage of your glassware will be covered by the policy.该保单将对玻璃器皿的意外破损给予赔偿。Steel baths are lighter but chip easily.钢制浴缸更轻,但容易破损The broken muffler dragged behind the car.破损的消音器在车后拖着。Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.查看一下你的保险单,看其是否对搬运过程中的破损和毁坏赔偿。Dave and Sally couldn't afford to get anything done to the house and it fell into disrepair.戴夫和萨莉没有钱翻修,房子渐渐地破损了。I made several attempts to repair the damage, but gave up in the end.我几次试图修理破损的地方,但最后都放弃了。China chips easily.瓷器容易破损He began working on his salesman samples, sorting out broken packages and returns.他开始整理他那些推销货样,把包装破损的和退回来的拣出来。We don't yet know the degree to which the roof is damaged.我们尚不清楚屋顶的破损程度。The house is gradually disintegrating with age.房子因年久正在逐渐破损The government retires worn or torn bills from use.政府将破损的钞票收回作废。The pots are transported carefully to reduce the number of breakages.这些瓶瓶罐罐要小心搬运,以减少破损的数量。The government retires worn and torn paper money from use.政府把破损的纸币收回作废。It remains possible that bad weather could tear more holes in the tanker's hull.恶劣天气仍然可能使油轮船体遭受更多破损The wall was damaged in places.墙上有些地方破损了。Check that everything is in good repair before moving in, as you have to replace breakages.在搬进来前查看一下屋里的东西是否都完好无损,因为以后破损的物件要由你来更换。Don't use that plate - it's chipped.别用那个盘子,它破损了。The boating accident caused only surface damage.这次划船事故仅导致了船体表面的破损The rotten ironwork needs to be replaced.破损的铁质部件该换了。Some of the statues were broken, but others were still whole.有些雕像已经破损了,其他的还很完整。The closet is full of broken toys and other nonsense.壁橱里都是些破损的玩具及其它无价值的东西。The middle of the floor had rotted out, and was unsafe.地板中部已破损,很不安全。




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