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词汇 窗外
例句 She glanced fearfully out the window.她胆怯地向窗外瞥了一眼。He sat with his head craned out of the open window to catch a cooling breeze.他坐着将头伸出窗外,感受凉爽的微风。I wouldn't have thought that heaving your typewriter out of the window was a great help in finding inspiration.我没想到把你的打字机扔出窗外这件事竟对找灵感这么有帮助。She stared distantly out the window.她盯着窗外远处。He fixed his gaze out the window. 他凝视着窗外The birds were singing outside our window.鸟儿在我们的窗外歌唱。Don't lean so far out of the window. It's dangerous.不要把头探出窗外太多,很危险。!He looked vacantly out of the window.他失神地望着窗外She sipped her peppermint tea and stared out of the window.她一边小口抿着薄荷茶,一边注视着窗外Joanne stood with her hands on the sink, staring out the window.乔安妮站着,两手放在水槽上,眼睛定定地望着窗外He sat rocking in his seat and staring out of the window.他坐在座位上轻轻摇晃着,眼睛盯着窗外She heard the insistent wash of the waves beyond their windows.她听到窗外持续的海浪声。I poked my head out of the window.我把头伸出窗外He sat and stared moodily out the window.他坐在那儿,忧郁地凝视着窗外Don't poke your head out of the window.不要把头伸出窗外He gazed out of an office window on a wet and dreary day.他凝视着办公室窗外潮湿、阴郁的天色。He stared out the window at the colorless sky.他凝视着窗外苍白的天空。He gazed out the window at the snow.他凝视着窗外的雪。Hey, look out the window! See the hot-air balloon?嗨,朝窗外看!看到热气球了吗?Sometimes he would drift off into reverie, and gaze out of the window for hours.有时候他会浸沉于幻想之中,一连几个小时凝视着窗外She was gazing out the window, rocking rhythmically to and fro.她注视着窗外,身体有节奏地来回摇晃着。I peeked out the window to see who was there.我偷偷向窗外望去,想看看谁在那里。She set/put the book to the/one side and looked out the window.她把书放在一边,向窗外望去。I could hear the birds singing outside my window.我听到鸟儿在窗外歌唱。There's a smashing view from her office.她的办公室窗外景色极佳。Jack gazed unseeing out of the window.杰克心不在焉地望着窗外Sanders twisted in his chair to look out of the window.桑德斯在椅子上转身往窗外看。She gazed out of the window at the dreary landscape.她茫然地看着窗外毫无新意的风景。The child was very amused by the wildfire outside of the windows.这孩子对窗外的磷火极感兴趣。She looked out of the window to see what was happening.她朝窗外望去,想看看发生了什么事情。I was aroused from a deep sleep by a loud noise outside my window.窗外一声巨响把我从熟睡中惊醒。He stared moodily out the window.他闷闷不乐地望着窗外I was woken up by cats yowling outside my window.我被窗外猫的嚎叫声吵醒了。Angela stared pensively out of the window.安杰拉忧郁地望着窗外He pulled the knife from her hand and flung it out of the window.他从她手中夺过刀子,把它扔出了窗外We slept late, and when we woke the sun was blazing in through the windows.我们睡了个懒觉,醒来时,耀眼的阳光从窗外直射进来。The hotel room had a gorgeous view.那间客房窗外景色迷人。He was staring out the window in a trance.他呆呆地望着窗外Her eyes strayed from her computer to the window. 她的目光从电脑前转向窗外I sometimes just look out the window and watch the comings and goings of everyone in the street.有时我就看着窗外,观察大街上来来往往的人们。




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