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词汇 窗前
例句 In one short stride he reached the window.他跨一小步就到了窗前Charlotte went to the window and looked out.夏洛特走到窗前往外看。She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window.她从他怀抱里挣脱出来,走到窗前A small bird fluttered past the window.一只小鸟拍打着翅膀飞过窗前She went to the window and raised the blinds.她走到窗前,拉起了百叶窗。She flew to the window when she heard the car.她一听到汽车声就飞奔到了窗前She stood up and walked to the window.她站起来走到窗前He stood at the window, moodily staring out.他站在窗前,忧郁地凝视着外面。A face appeared at the window.窗前露出了一张脸。He hobbled over to the window.他一瘸一拐地走到窗前She had been sitting with her knitting at her fourth-floor window.她当时一直坐在四楼的窗前织东西。He walked across to the window.他走到窗前The birds came hopping round my window.鸟儿飞到我窗前跳来跳去。He walked quickly to the windows and pulled the drapes.他快步走到窗前,拉上窗帘。Before the window was a table. A huge book lay thereon.窗前有一张桌子,上面放着一本很大的书。He fancied that he saw a shadow pass close to the window.他似乎看见一个影子紧靠窗前闪过。He stumbled to the window to get fresh air.他蹒跚地走到窗前呼吸新鲜空气。A few snowflakes drifted past the window.几片雪花从窗前飘过。She'll sit at the window for hours at a time, looking at the passing scene.她会在窗前一坐就是几个小时,观看眼前发生的一切。I walked to the window and parted the drapes.我走到窗前,把窗帘往两边拉开。McGinnis pushed himself laboriously out of the chair and waddled to the window.麦金尼斯吃力地从椅子上站了起来,摇摇晃晃地走到窗前We watched the tanks rumbling past the window.我们看着坦克隆隆地驶过窗前Large white lazy flakes floated past the window.大片大片缓缓落下的雪花从窗前飘过。She stood at the window, watching the rain come down.她站在窗前,看着雨水从天而降。Richard stood up and walked across to the window.理查德站起来走到窗前George strode to the window and jerked back the curtains.乔治大步走到窗前,猛地拉上窗帘。He was standing in front of the window, buck naked.他站在窗前,身上一丝不挂。She was standing at the window, staring out across the garden.她站在窗前,向外凝视着花园。Candles glimmered in the windows of the inn.小旅馆窗前烛光忽明忽暗地闪烁。The experience makes him flash back. He sees his mother standing at the window.这一经历让他猛地回忆起往事,他仿佛看到母亲正站在窗前He serenaded his girlfriend every night in front of her window.他每天晚上都在女友的窗前演奏小夜曲。There was a cat yowling outside my window last night.昨晚有只猫在我窗前哀号。I walked over to the window and looked outside.我走到窗前朝外看去。He went to the window and looked out at the yard.他走到窗前,向窗外的院子望去。Everyone dashed to the window to look.所有的人都冲到窗前围观。He sat penitently in his chair by the window.他懊悔地坐在窗前的椅子上。As my eyes accustomed to the darkness, I could make out a shape by the window.眼睛习惯了黑暗后,我辨认出窗前有一个模糊的影子。She went to the window and looked out.她走到窗前向外看去。




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