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He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones.他能循着地面上甚至是石头上留下的淡淡的痕迹展开追踪。A stone rolled over the edge of the cliff.一块石头从山崖的边缘滚下。He carved his initials in the rock.他把自己名字的首字母刻在了石头上。They chipped their names in the stone.他们将名字凿在石头上。The pyramids are built of solid stone.金字塔是用坚固的石头建成的。The stone is cut into blocks ready for building.石头被切割成建筑用石块。There's a chip on the windshield where a stone hit it.挡风玻璃上有个缺口,是石头打的。The stones felt rough and warm under my feet.我感觉脚底下的石头又粗糙又温暖。She tripped on the loose stones.她绊倒在松动的石头上。The steep, stony ground is well drained.陡峭的石头地面排水性能很好。Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!棍棒和石头可以打断我的骨头,但各种诬蔑性的绰号却对我毫无伤害!A tiled floor in the kitchen is as hard as stone, and very cold beneath your feet.厨房里铺地砖的地面硬得犹如石头,踩在脚下非常冷。A rock clipped through the air.一块石头嗖地飞过。The impact of the stone against the windowpane shattered the glass.石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。The stone hit Jack in the head and knocked him out cold for several minutes.石头击中了杰克的头,把他打昏了好几分钟。 Would you advise people to make a building out of wood or stone?你会建议人们用木材还是石头建房子呢?His legs were trapped under fallen rocks.他的腿被滚下来的石头压住了。A stone is an inanimate object.石头是无生命物体。There are holes between the stones that let the wind through.石头间有让风通过的洞。The toffee was rock hard.这种太妃糖硬得像石头。He hit a rock and snapped the truck's axle.他驾货车撞上一块石头,车轴啪的一声折断了。She picked her way delicately over the rocks.她小心翼翼地跨着石头走。A stone was digging into my heel.一块石头嵌进了我的鞋后跟。Noah threw a stone high into the air and it plopped into the river.诺厄把一块石头抛得高高的,然后它扑通一声落入河里。He tripped on a rock.他被一块石头绊倒了。There was a heap of stones where the building used to be.那栋建筑物的旧址上有一堆石头。Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island.木材和石头是这个岛上仅有的原材料。Stop throwing those stones!.不要再扔那些石头了!It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.那是一条崎岖的山道,满是石头和巨大的坑洼。She stooped down to pick up a stone.她弯腰捡起一块石头。The paths are often very rocky so strong boots are advisable.路上通常石头很多,所以最好穿结实耐磨的靴子。The dripping of the water is wearing away the stone.滴水正不断地消蚀着这石头。A careless step sent rocks tumbling down on the climbers below.一步不小心便使石头翻滚到了下面的爬山者身上。Hart cried out as his head struck rock.哈特的头撞到石头上,疼得他大叫起来。The stone thudded to the ground.石头砰的一声砸到地上。He planted flowers around the stone's base.他沿石头的底部栽了一些花儿。Choose two stones of roughly equal weight and size.选两块重量和大小大致相同的石头。Her shoes clattered on the stone floor.她的鞋子踩在石头地板上发出喀哒喀哒的声音。A stone is an inert mass of matter.石头是无生命的块状物质。She arranged the stones in a circle. = She made a circle out of/with the stones.她将石头摆成一圈。 |