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词汇 知名
例句 She's a well-known figure on the international lecture circuit.她是知名的国际巡回讲学专家。Such a well-known politician should draw a big audience.这样一位知名政治家应该能吸引大批听众。Her scientific attainments have made her quite well-known in the field of biology.她的科学成就使她在生物学界相当知名He was known in his lifetime as a political caricaturist and illustrator.他在世时是知名政治漫画家和插画家。He is the most legendary football player of his time.他是他那个时代最知名的橄榄球运动员。The play starred a well-known retired actress who was intent on a comeback.这部话剧主角是一名着意要复出的知名退休女演员。Each programme in the series will be introduced by a well-known musician.这一系列的每个节目都将由知名的音乐家来介绍。At one stride Dickens had become one of the most popular novelists.狄更斯一举成为最知名的小说家之一。She is a well-known writer of children's books.她是一位知名的儿童文学作家。Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.凡·高可能是世界上最知名的画家。We stayed on one of the lesser-known Greek islands.我们停留在希腊一个不太知名的岛屿上。While she was in Paris, she associated with many well-known artists.她在巴黎的时候结识了许多知名艺术家。The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.检控方仍设法使其入室抢劫知名实业家们的罪名成立。Once popular, the town is now well past its sell-by date.那个小镇从前很知名,现在早已不为人所关注了。This tour includes the area's best-known natural features, including the Gullfoss waterfall.本次旅行的线路包括了该地区最知名的自然景观,其中就有居德瀑布。These tapes incriminate a number of well-known politicians.这些录音带把一些知名政治家牵涉在内。The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人,基本上无可挑剔。The two discs also contain two of Britten's lesser-known song-cycles.这两张唱片还包含了布里顿两首不甚知名的声乐套曲。He hired a high-profile defense attorney to represent him.他雇了一名知名的辩护律师为他辩护。A famous female writer maintained that this year's composition topic stultified the students' imagination.一位知名的女作家认为今年的作文题目让年青人的想像力变笨。She is known as a great/brilliant/gifted innovator in her field.她是这一领域知名的伟天/杰出/天才革新者。With a wide collection of all the masters' works, he is a well-known devotee of classical music.他是个知名的古典音乐爱好者,收集了每个大师的作品。A pedigreed product can cost twice as much as less well-known varieties.知名产品可能是其他类似产品价格的两倍。She became well-known as a newscaster before getting her own talk show in Chicago.她原来是一位知名的新闻播音员,后来在芝加哥有自己的电视访谈节目。He is a well-known authority in the region of physics.他是物理学界的一位知名权威。The museum features some of the best-known examples of this style of painting.这家博物馆的特色是藏有这种画风的最为知名的一些经典作品。The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week's Sunday Times.卫生部和一位知名免疫学家严词抨击了上周《星期日泰晤士报》的一篇报道。It was her performances in Aida that gained her an international reputation as a soprano.正是她在《阿伊达》中的表演使她获得了国际知名女高音的声誉。Versace dressed some of the most famous people in Hollywood.范思哲为部分好莱坞最为知名的人制作衣服。The two-day course features instruction by leading professionals and academics.为期两天的课程主要由知名教授和学者讲授。My father is a world renowned paleontologist.我父亲是全球知名的古生物学者。He had purchased a painting in reliance upon the authentication of a well-regarded expert.他买下了一幅经知名专家鉴定过的画。Venice abounds in famous hotels.威尼斯有许多知名的酒店。The business started as an offshoot of an established fashion design company.这家公司起步时只是一个知名时装设计公司的分支机构。The cast includes several established stars, as well as two talented newcomers.演员阵容中包括几位知名的明星,也包括两位才华横溢的新星。She had a brush with a famous actor at a restaurant in New York.在纽约的一家餐馆,她和一位知名男演员有过一面之缘。The Curies are best known for discovering radium.居里夫妇最知名之处是发现镭。The region is known for its fine wines.这个地区以出产优质葡萄酒而知名The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.那个助手继续对他的同伴讲个不停,搬出他认识的所有知名自行车赛手。Pieces by named makers are now highly collectable.知名制造商制作的物件具有很高的收藏价值。




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