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词汇 睡眼惺忪
例句 Sleepy-eyed commuters were wending their way to work.睡眼惺忪的通勤族拖着沉重的步子上班去。The bleary-eyed engineers were still hard at work when everyone else arrived the next day.当其他人第二天到来时,那些睡眼惺忪的工程师仍在奋力工作。They were all pretty bleary after a long night out.他们在外玩了个通宵达旦,人人都睡眼惺忪His face had the bleary unfocused look of someone who is completely hung over.睡眼惺忪,目光涣散,完全是一副宿醉未醒的面容。I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.我赶到时睡眼惺忪,头发蓬乱。Steve emerged from his room, unshaven and bleary-eyed.史蒂夫从他卧室里出来,胡子拉碴,睡眼惺忪Still half asleep, Jenny began to make the kids' breakfast.珍妮还睡眼惺忪时就开始为孩子们准备早餐了。We were still half asleep when we went to school the next morning.第二天早晨上学的时候,我们仍然睡眼惺忪




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