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词汇 反驳
例句 He made a witty comeback to the insult.他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳In his summary statement, the defense lawyer rebutted all the accusations against his client.在最后的陈述中,辩方律师举出证据反驳了所有对他当事者的指控。The lawyer refuted the testimony of the witness.律师对证人证词予以反驳After she made her point, he could not counter with anything.她把观点讲清楚后,他无法进行任何反驳Mr Robins, suffering from selective amnesia about his role in the affair, was contradicted in nearly every instance by other witnesses.对于自己在该事件中所扮演的角色,罗宾斯先生患上了选择性失忆症,因此几乎在每次庭审中都会受到其他证人的反驳Her rebuttal contained many contradictions to my arguments.她的抗辩中有很多内容是对我的论点的反驳Rose flushed with annoyance and seemed about to make a sharp retort.罗斯气得满脸通红,好像要作出尖锐的反驳The opposition party demanded equal time to rebut the President's speech.反对党要求有相等时间来反驳总统的讲演。A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up.只有犀利的反驳才能让她住嘴。He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.他准备全面反驳共和党人对他最严重的指控。I won't dispute you on that point.在那一点上我不反驳你。Scientists have produced powerful arguments against his ideas.科学家们已经提出有力论据反驳他的观点。Ellie's angry retort surprised Max.埃莉的怒言反驳使马克斯吃了一惊。He is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.他正在对前同事的指责进行逐条反驳Her remark drew angry retorts from the unemployed workers.她的话遭到了失业工人愤怒的反驳I found one possible refutation of these speculations.我找到了一个可以反驳这些猜测的证据。Others tried to refute his strictures on the artist's character.其他人试图反驳他对这位艺术家性格的批判。The lawyer used Joe's words against him.律师借用乔自己的话来反驳他。She made a clever retort.她做出了巧妙的反驳Conservative loyalists in the press were quick to retort.报界的保守派忠君者马上予以反驳The article was a stinging rejoinder to her critics.这篇文章是对她的批评者的激烈反驳He became warm when contradicted.他遭人反驳发了脾气。Deborah opened her mouth to contradict, but closed it again.黛博拉张嘴想要反驳,但又把嘴闭上了。He will need to counter allegations that he accepted money from criminals.他需要对他曾接受过罪犯贿赂的指控加以反驳She put him down with a sharp retort.她辛辣的反驳令他哑口无言。His counter arguments sound lame.他的反驳听上去软弱无力。He contradicted the charges of his critics.反驳了批评者对他的指责。The Senator hit back at his critics.这位参议员反驳了对他的批评。He spent most of his speech rebutting criticisms of his foreign policy.他讲演的大部分时间都在反驳对他外交政策的批评。Sharp retorts roll from the tongues of the people he characterizes.尖锐的反驳滔滔不绝地出自他所塑造的人物之口。Her retort was mechanical.她的反驳是脱口而出的。His abrupt retort clearly made an impact.他出其不意的反驳无疑产生了效果。The government countered with a flurry of briefings.政府发布了一连串的简报进行反驳Tamar bit back the retort which sprang to her lips.塔马话已到嘴边,但是她忍住了,没有反驳A critic might here perhaps return upon me with my own expressions.批评家可能会在这一点上用我自己的话来反驳我。The Crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh.乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了。He did not want to argue head-on what the teacher said.他不愿正面反驳老师的话。The President has hit back at those who have criticised his economic reforms.总统反驳了那些对他的经济改革提出批评的人。His sharp retort clearly made an impact.他尖刻的反驳显然起了作用。I couldn't come up with a witty retort.我想不出机智的话进行反驳




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