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The dress is simple and elegant, but you could vamp it up for evening wear with some stunning jewellery.这条裙子简洁大方,不过你可以配上精美的首饰作晚装穿,会使人眼前一亮。The report seemed impressive at first, but on closer inspection there were several inaccuracies.初看报告似乎让人眼前一亮,但仔细查看就会发现有一些不准确的地方。His unusual outlook is a breath of fresh air.他与众不同的观点使大家眼前一亮。It was a revelatory moment when I realized that there were other people who watched the show.当我意识到还有其他人观看这个节目时,顿时眼前一亮。The mist suddenly fell from her eyes.她突然眼前一亮。Despite the hype, there was nothing in the book to astonish readers.尽管宣传声势浩大,这本书却没有什么能够让读者眼前一亮的地方。She had a sparkling bon mot for every occasion.她在任何场合都能说出一句让人眼前一亮的珠玑妙语。I'm not overimpressed with his work.他的工作并没能让我眼前一亮。 |