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The Circuit continues on to Fumel, then loops back to Vire.赛道延伸至菲梅勒,然后打了个圈又回到维尔。Mellor cast an eye over the draft for inaccuracies.梅勒扫了一眼草图看有没有差错。Mailer disappeared into a dark basement, hoping to shake off the gang.梅勒躲进一个黑漆漆的地下室,希望能甩掉那伙人。You'd better buck the question on to Mr. Mailer.你最好把这个问题交给梅勒先生去解答。The court will have to decide exactly what occurred on the night Mellor died.法庭必须明确梅勒死亡当晚到底发生了什么事。Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.梅勒斯宣扬异端邪说,不得不立即免去其圣职。 |