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词汇 眼下
例句 I would hesitate to say yes at this stage.眼下我不愿表示赞同。We need to deal with the problems that exist in the here and now. 我们需要处理眼下的问题。We don't have any domestic help just now.眼下我们家里一个佣人也没有。Our company has a big staff. We're trimming away the fat.我公司机构庞大。眼下,我们正在裁减冗员。The former prime minister is notable by her absence from the political stage at present.前首相眼下因从政治舞台消失而引起世人对她的关注。Having a holiday in Ibiza seems to be the in thing to do at the moment.去伊维萨岛度假眼下似乎成了件时髦的事。I've got too many commitments at the moment to do an evening class.眼下要做的事情太多,没时间晚上上课。The biggest ships afloat now are oil tanks.眼下在水上航行的最大的船舶是油轮。I don't know if our relationship is going to work out. I'm taking things day by day at this point.我不知道我们的关系是否会有结果。眼下只能慢慢来。We must do something to meet the refugees' immediate needs.我们必须设法满足难民眼下的需求。Her lost luggage was the least of her worries at the moment.丢失行李是她眼下最不担心的事情。Your remarks do not bear on the matter in hand.你的话和眼下的事无关。Right now there's a drought of adequate leadership.眼下缺少能胜任的领导人。Who is number one in lit crit these days?眼下文评领域中谁算佼佼者?I'd like a piano, but here and now we haven't enough room.我想有架钢琴,但眼下我们没有地方可放。I'd offer to help, only I'm really busy just now.我是想帮你的,但眼下我实在很忙。Nat is candid about the problems she is having with Steve.娜特对她眼下和史蒂夫之间的问题毫不隐瞒。Through no fault of our own we are currently two players short.我们眼下缺两名队员并非我们的错。He's in a bit of a corner just now regarding money.眼下经济有点儿拮据。I'm off sweet things at the moment.眼下我已不吃甜食了。It's a buyer's market for the moment.眼下是买方市场。He has a lot on his plate at the moment.眼下有很多事情要处理。There's a certain amount of slack in the car industry at the moment.眼下汽车工业不太景气。Three men are now on trial after a series of terrorist attacks.一系列恐怖袭击后,三名男子眼下正在受审。He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.他告诉支持者们即使眼下他在总统选举中领先也不要松懈。Wearing coats hanging off one shoulder is the fashion among schoolchildren at the moment.穿着外套挂下一只肩来是眼下学生们的时尚。I have those numbers, but not on me at the moment, they're at home.我有这些号码,但眼下没带在身上,搁在家里了。He didn't want to live in the past; he wanted to live in the here and now.他不想生活在过去;他要生活在眼下He's working like mad at the moment.眼下正在拼命地工作。The black middle class must now reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower class.黑人中产阶级眼下必须对底层社会倾注更多的同情和关心。The swimming pool is currently out of action.游泳池眼下无法使用。The plums are just about ripe now.眼下李子都快熟了。The kids are mad keen on computer games at the moment.孩子们眼下都在迷电脑游戏。Jerry says he's under a lot of pressure at the moment from his boss.杰里说眼下老板给他施加了很大的压力。I have a lot on my mind at the moment.眼下我有许多事要操心。We're actually a bit short-handed at the moment.眼下我们确实有点人手不足。The kids are just bursting with energy/excitement.眼下孩子们精力充沛/非常兴奋。Right now we are in the changeover period between autumn and winter.眼下,我们正处于秋冬交替的时候。Our computers are down right now, could you call back in an hour?我们的电脑眼下都瘫痪了,你过一小时再打电话来好吗?Can you lend me some money to tide me over? I'm a bit skint at the moment.你能借点钱给我渡难关吗?我眼下穷得叮当响。




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