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词汇 真的
例句 When they first joined for training many were starry eyed about just sailing around the world. We soon knocked that out of them.在他们参加培训之初,很多人还只是对环球航行抱有天真的想法。我们很快便使他们消除了那种想法。Who really cares?有谁真的在乎?The document was proof that her story was true.这份文件证实了她所说的是真的It is a brilliant film. You really must see it.这部电影精彩极了。你真的一定要去看看。The whole place was a bit of a dog's dinner, really.整个地方乌烟瘴气的,真的I couldn't have managed without your support and encouragement. I really appreciate it.如果没有你的支持和鼓励我不可能完成这件事,我真的很感激。Absolutely, I couldn't agree more.真的,我完全同意。The idea really took flight and soon it seemed everyone was copying it.这个主意真的奏效了,很快地,好像每个人都开始效仿。Part of him was still a wide-eyed American.他身上还有一部分美国人天真的特点。I could be wrong about all this but if I am, at least I'll be in good company.在这件事上我也许会错,但是即便我真的错了,至少也不是我一个人这样看。Your father really petrifies me.你父亲真的吓了我一跳。If any more people resign, we'll be really up the creek.如果再有更多的人辞职,我们真的就麻烦了。He devoutly hoped it was true.他真诚地希望那是真的The information is for real.这则消息是真的She believes that ghosts really do exist.她相信鬼魂真的存在。Did you really think I wouldn't notice?真的认为我不会注意?I'm quite unhealthy really.我的身体真的很不好。Life can be a real bastard sometimes.有时生活可能真的让人很烦。Some feelings are really hard to put into words.有些感情真的很难用语言表达。I really enjoyed your lecture, though there were some parts I didn't quite understand.真的喜欢你的演讲,不过,有些部分我不太明白。He is serious about moving down South. 他是真的想搬到南方去。I thought he really won the lottery but he was only pulling my chain. 我还以为他真的中彩票了,结果他只是拿我开心。You really screwed up this time.你这次真的把事情搞砸了。He really tied one on last night.他昨晚真的喝醉了。What he told us was only partly true.他告诉我们的事只有一部分是真的I didn't really care what she thought about the book, but I thought it would be polite to ask her.真的不在乎她对这本书的印象,但我觉得问她一声是礼貌的做法。If they don't deliver the parts we need, we'll really be up a gum tree! 如果他们不交付我们所需的零件,我们就真的一筹莫展了!Maybe I just took it too hard.可能我真的对此事太过耿耿于怀。Was it really necessary to tear his work to pieces like that?真的有必要把他的作品批得那样一无是处吗?He really worships her.真的很仰慕她。I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.我发现要让我自己定期出门锻炼真的很难。Seriously now, did he really say that or are you just being silly?现在说正经的,他真的这么说,还是你在瞎编?The customer may well have a genuine grievance.顾客很可能真的有怨气。He really ticks me off sometimes.他有时真的让我很生气。I don't see the point in it really. It's just stupid.真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。Greg? He's a pussycat, really.格雷格?他是个温文尔雅的人,真的I didn't break the cup, honest to goodness!真的没打碎过杯子! I would think/hope that he was telling the truth, but I really don't know.我想/希望他说的是实情,但是我真的不知道。We actually got to meet the president when he was here last week.上星期总统来的时候,我们终于真的见到他了。To the untrained eye, most fake diamonds look real.在外行眼里,大多数假钻石看上去和真的一样。




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