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词汇 真实的
例句 The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.两个年轻人的冷酷无情在这个真实的故事里得到了生动的再现。The document is authentic.这份文件是真实的No, honestly, It's a true story.不,真的,这是个真实的故事。She dissembled when asked her opinion on the subject.当有人问她对那个问题的意见时,她掩藏自己真实的看法。Our citizens have a right to expect truthful reports from their government.我们的公民有权要求政府提供内容真实的报告。The production is misrepresentative of the spirit of the play.演出歪曲了剧本真实的意义。Although it is a work of fiction, it is based on fact.虽然这是一部小说,但是它取材于真实的故事。He let the cat out of the bag by revealing the Federal Government's real industrial agenda.他无意中说出了联邦政府真实的工业计划,泄露了秘密。I admit there is a grain of truth in what she says.我承认她的话里有一点真实的成分。The film is ruined by all the unrealistic plot twists.这部影片就毁在那些不真实的情节转折上。The actual nest is a work of art.真实的鸟巢十分精致。There's nothing in the rumours about an affair.关于这桩风流韵事的传闻是不真实的He hides his real feelings under that big smile.他用满面的笑容把真实的感情隐藏起来。How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?.影片讲述的巴恩斯·沃利斯的故事有多少真实的成分?She reaffirmed that the statement was true.她重申那个说法是真实的She was probably not consciously aware of her true feelings.也许她没有意识到自己真实的感情。He affirmed to me categorically that the statement was true.他明确无误地向我声称那个说法是真实的So clever are these spin-doctors that they manage to persuade us that the opposite is true.这些舆论导向专家老奸巨猾,他们说服我们相信相反的东西是真实的How big is the abyss between what you think you are and what you actually are?你对自己的认识和真实的你之间差别到底有多大?For the first time on the trip, I saw genuine fear in his eyes.旅途中我第一次看到他眼里流露出真实的恐惧感。The information they gave us was wrong.他们给我们提供的信息是不真实的She could not give him a truthful answer.她不能给他一个真实的答案。I don't want waffle, I want the real figures.我不想听废话,我要真实的数字。How many of the candidate's policies are real intentions, and how many are just window dressing?这些候选人的政策中,有多少是真实的意图,有多少不过是装点门面的东西?The painting depicts an actual historical event.这幅画描述了一个真实的历史事件。True emotion ought not to require overstatement.真实的感情不应当需要过分渲染。This statement is an oversimplification, but it contains an element of truth.这个声明是过分简化了,但还是有真实的成分。This authentic effect has been achieved by skilful retouching.这种真实的效果是通过精心修饰取得的。We have to check that he holds a bona fide qualification.我们必须核对一下他是否持有真实的资历证明。It must be true on present showing.照目前的迹象看,这事一定是真实的The story has too many cardboard characters.这个故事不真实的人物太多。You've answered with nothing but half-truths and prevarications.你的回答只有一半是真实的,另一半是搪塞之词。Her story seems to be true.她对情事的描述似乎是真实的I had to remind myself these were fictional characters, not real people.我不得不提醒自己,这些都是虚构的人物,而不是真实的It's a story that I know to be true.这个故事我相信是真实的This is a sweeping and untrue statement to make about myself.这句关于我本人的陈述是笼统而不真实的He was always quick to avenge insults, real or imagined.他睚眦必报,不管那侮辱是真实的还是臆想的。The statements are demonstrably untrue/false.那些报告显然是不真实的/错误的。Counterterrorism experts concede that the threat is real.反恐专家承认威胁是真实的There was an air of unreality about the place. 这个地方给人一种不真实的感觉。




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