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词汇 看一眼
例句 A quick look inside someone's refrigerator can tell you a lot about that person.往一个人的冰箱里看一眼,就可以知道很多关于这个人的情况。She poised her fork and gave him a knowing look.她停下餐叉,会意地朝他看一眼He had/kept half an eye on the TV while he read the paper.他读报时偶尔看一眼电视。Fans crowded around the rear entrance of the concert hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of the band.歌迷挤在音乐厅后门处,希望能看一眼那乐队。He allowed some of his friends to peek at his next painting.他允许几个朋友提前看一眼他的下一幅画作。The urge to look was almost overwhelming.看一眼的冲动几乎按捺不住。She decided the property warranted a second look.她断定这处房产值得再看一眼She gets jealous if I even look at another woman.我即使看一眼别的女人,她也会醋意大发。Just pass this round as I'm talking and take a little look at it.我讲的时候大家把这个传一下,稍微看一眼You only have to look at Turner's later oil paintings to see what a genius he was.你只要看一眼透纳后期的油画,就能看出他多么有天分。His eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the President.他极目望去,想看一眼总统。A quick look round the research and development facility in Versailles revealed a number of interesting software projects afoot.看一眼凡尔赛的研发机构就会发现,一些有趣的软件项目正在酝酿中。I'd like to take a fast look at my records.我想简单看一眼我的记录。Even the most cursory look at the organization's records shows problems.这家机构的记录,即使只是最粗略地看一眼,都能发现问题。I just want to take a quick look around and see if there's anything I want.我就想很快看一眼,看看是不是有我想要的东西。We thought he'd be interested in the painting, but he didn't even glance at it.我们以为他会喜欢那幅油画,可是他连看都没看一眼I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even bother to look at it.我对结果完全没兴趣,甚至都懒得看一眼She was so satiated with chocolates that she would not even look at one.她对巧克力糖厌腻得连看都不愿意看一眼If you look, you'll see what was a lake.看一眼就能知道什么叫湖。He demanded a peep at medical records.他要求看一眼病历。No-one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance.没人对这个身穿灰色制服的女人多看一眼I wanted to get a look inside the car's engine.我想看一眼汽车发动机的内部。Just seeing Woody Allen's face is enough to make me laugh.只要看一眼伍迪•艾伦的脸就足以使我发笑。I looked over my shoulder for one last view of the gorge.我回过头去,最后再看一眼峡谷。Thousands jammed the area to see the Pope.几千人挤在那块地方想看一眼教皇。Every few minutes he glanced up from his work.每过几分钟他就停下手头的工作抬起头来看一眼Before leaving the old town, spare another glance at the tower.离开这座古镇之前,再看一眼那座塔吧。I'll just take a peep at the children.我就去看一眼孩子们。Could you cast an eye over this report for me?你能帮我看一眼这份报告吗?He turned down the corner of the sheet to peep at the baby.他折起被角以便看一眼婴儿。I was waving my hand like mad but he never once looked in my direction.我疯狂地挥手,可他连看也没朝我这边看一眼I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he'd written.开会前我有几分钟的时间看一眼他写的东西。Neil was a gentle good-natured chap, the type of man you instantly trust and feel comfortable around.尼尔是个性格温和的小伙子,是那种你看一眼就会信任、就会觉得很舒服的人。Most mornings he gave the newspaper only a cursory glance.大多数早晨,他只是粗略地看一眼报纸。The silence was thunderous. Nobody dared look at anyone else.沉默中酝酿着风暴。没有人敢朝别人看一眼I want to see Ireland again before I die.我想在死前再看一眼爱尔兰。One look from him was enough to reduce anyone to absolute silence.只要他看一眼,谁都会静下来,默不作声。Sarah needed only one look at her daughter's face to know something was wrong.萨拉只要看一眼女儿的脸就知道有问题。Take another peek at the cake in the oven to see if it's done.再去看一眼烤箱里的蛋糕烤好了没有。




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