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I tried to stop him and there was an exchange of blows.我曾试图阻止他,结果我们俩拳头相向。Then we locked horns and went at it like two street fighters trading punches.我们当时像两个街头斗殴者一样挥拳相向,打成一团。I broke up the argument before they started throwing punches. 我制止了他们的争吵,免得他们挥拳相向。Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.夫妇俩冷淡地以背相向,互相责备。The two boys bandied a few blows but never got into a real fight.那两个男孩挥拳相向,互揍了几下,可没有真的打起来。 |