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词汇 cooled
例句 His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.他奇怪的举动使得她的激情冷却。After I cooled down I realized I had been wrong.等我冷静下来之后,我认识到我错了。Within a few minutes tempers had cooled.几分钟之内,火气就变小了。The rain had cooled everything down.那场雨使一切都变得凉了下来。The affair had cooled, on her side at least.他们的关系冷淡了下来,至少在她那一方是如此。He cooled his burning feet in the stream.他把发烫的双脚放进溪流里降降温。The compressed gas is cooled and condenses into a liquid.压缩气体经冷却凝结成液体。The passion between them had cooled.他们之间的激情已经冷却下来了。His affection for her has cooled recently.他对她的爱慕之情近来冷下来了。A swim cooled us off/down a little.游了个泳使我们感觉凉爽了一些。He's cooled down somewhat since this morning.今天上午开始,他渐渐冷静了下来。The sauce coagulated as it cooled down.酱汁变冷后凝固了。Later, when tempers had cooled, they sat down and talked.后来,怒气平息以后,他们坐下来谈了谈。The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.咖啡没有动过,吐司已经凉了。The gaseous metal is cooled and condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被冷却并冷凝成液态锌。By late autumn Mediterranean islands have cooled off, and can have rainy days.到了晚秋时分,地中海诸岛的天气就凉快起来,而且会有雨天。When cooled, cut the chocolate brownies into squares.冷却之后,将巧克力蛋糕切成四方块。It seems his ardour had cooled.他的激情似乎冷下来了。When tempers had cooled, he apologized.火气消了之后,他道了歉。The weather has cooled off/down a little.天气凉快了一些。As it cooled, the metal contracted.金属冷却后收缩了。As time went by the passion cooled.随着时间的推移,激情冷却了。The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.咖啡没有动过,吐司也已经凉了。We had to wait until the engine had cooled down before restarting the car.我们必须等到引擎冷却以后才能重新发动车子。Her anger gradually cooled.她的怒气渐渐平息下来。Avoid putting your car away until the engine has cooled down.在发动机冷却之前不要把车开进车库里。The market has cooled. But the city is going to boom again.市面变得萧条了,但这座城市将重新繁荣起来。The hot metal contracted as it cooled.热金属冷却时收缩。The stock market has cooled off after hitting new highs last week.股市在上周达到新高以后上升速度放缓。The rain has cooled the air.这雨使天气变得凉快了。The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被置于一个密封容器里冷却,让它凝成液态锌。If the engine overheats, switch it off and do not start it again until it has cooled down.如果引擎过热,关掉它,等它冷却后再重新发动。If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water.如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。Their relationship has cooled off/down a bit.他们的关系已经有点冷了。The boys cooled off at the swimming hole.男孩们在游泳场中戏水纳凉。The engine was cooled by an electric fan.发动机靠电风扇降温。She waited until her coffee had cooled down before taking a sip.她一直等到咖啡凉下来才抿了一小口。Her enthusiasm quickly cooled.她的热情很快就冷了下来。The compressed gas is cooled and condenses into a liquid.压缩气体经冷却凝结成液态。The car was powered by a four cylinder air-cooled engine.该汽车由一个四缸气冷发动机驱动。




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