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词汇 盲目
例句 Men were shooting blindly into the flames.士兵们在盲目地对着火焰射击。This group is blindly loyal to the President.这群人盲目效忠总统。Short-term sufficiency lulled them into complacency about the long-term threat.暂时的充足使他们盲目自满,看不到远期的威胁。Essentially, we were being asked to make our choice blind.基本上,我们是被要求盲目地进行选择的。Antwerpers are so convinced that their city is best that other Belgians think them chauvinists.安特卫普人深信他们的城市是最好的,使得其他比利时人认为他们具有盲目的优越感。He won't listen to us and is only blind obstinate.他不肯听我们的,只是盲目地固执。They followed the instructions in blind trust that all would turn out well.他们盲目地相信一切都不会有问题,于是执行了指令。Maternal love is sometimes blind.母爱有时是盲目的。His confidence in himself seems misplaced.他的自信似乎有点盲目With blind obedience, I allowed my father to organize my life.我对父亲盲目地顺从,听凭他来安排我的生活。Our likes and dislikes are often blind, the spawn of instinct or habit.我们的好恶常常是盲目的,都是天性或习惯的产物。Smoke thickened until the gunners were firing blind.烟雾越来越浓,最后炮兵只能盲目开火。The pair of them were both blinded by their own cockiness.他们两个人都因为自己的狂妄而变得盲目The lack of financial detail means people are being asked to vote for a pig in a poke.不提供财务细节就是让人们盲目投票。She trusts him blindly.盲目地信任他。We were blissfully ignorant of the problems that had occurred.我们盲目快乐,竟然对已出现的问题毫不知情。He'd blindly countered force with more force.盲目地用更大的武力来对付武力。What is disturbing is the uncritical deification that surrounds her book.对她的书的盲目神化令人不安。Independence does not mean blind opposition to everything foreign.独立自主并不意味着盲目反对外国的一切。She shows a slavish devotion to her job.盲目地忠于职守。They blindly followed their leaders.他们盲目地追随领导。With blind obedience, I allowed Victor to organize my life.盲目顺从,任由维克托来安排我的生活。The country's obsession with the luxurious way of life has perverted its development.这个国家盲目追求奢侈的生活方式,造成了发展的反常。I am truly disturbed by her unquestioning acceptance of authority.她对权威总是盲目地接受,这真是让我很担心。They just blindly followed the instructions they were given.他们只是盲目地听从下达给他们的命令。Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.盲目的信念把成千上万的人送往一场毫无意义的战争。Their attitude was condemned as blind acceptance of authority.他们的态度被指责为盲目接受权威。The pilot made a blind landing in the fog.飞行员在雾天盲目著了陆。That experience taught me never to follow the crowd blindly.那次经历教会我不要盲目随大流。British troops were pushed mindlessly forward.英军盲目地受命向前推进。He has been criticized for his slavish devotion/adherence to the rules.因为盲目地墨守成规,他一直饱受批评。He never acts blindly.他从不盲目行事。They just blindly followed orders.他们只是盲目地服从命令。Politicians want a press which will uncritically report their propaganda.政客们需要的是不论对错盲目为他们鼓吹的新闻媒体。In my position I cannot risk blindly trusting anyone.处在我的位置上,我不能冒险盲目地相信任何人。You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.你一直盲目地换工作,却从来没有真正投入进去。They are flying blind on this issue because they have no idea of the extent of the problem.在这件事上他们盲目行事,因为对问题的严重程度毫无了解。A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.一阵盲目的恐慌在市民中蔓延。Without adequate information, many students choose a college almost blindly.因为缺少足够的信息,许多学生都是近乎盲目地选择大学。Their opposition to the plan seemed to be driven by blind prejudice.他们反对这个计划似乎是出于盲目的偏见。




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