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词汇 terrace
例句 They remained on the terrace after dinner, enjoying the calm of the evening.晚餐后他们仍然留在平台上,享受着夜晚的宁静。Music from the party wafted out onto the terrace.露台上飘荡着晚会上播放的音乐。Guests can dine al fresco on a terrace with stunning views of the valley below.客人们可以在户外的阳台上用餐,俯瞰山谷的美景。They sat on the clubhouse terrace, downing a round of drinks.他们坐在俱乐部会所的露台上,大口喝着别人请的饮料。There is an inviting restaurant with an outdoor terrace.有一家诱人的带露天阳台的饭馆。Two English artists were sitting on the terrace; one sketching, the other lazily chatting.两个英国画家也在那凉台上坐着,一个人在写生,一个人在懒洋洋地聊天。An ancient vine overhangs the terrace.一条古藤悬垂在平台上。He jumped down from the terrace.他从露台上跳了下来。Nervously clutching our glasses of chilled wine, we gathered on the terrace.我们聚集在露台上,手里紧张地握着盛有冰镇葡萄酒的酒杯。A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace.一段石阶通向露台。They climbed a steep bank to get to the terrace.他们爬上一道陡坡,登上了平台。There's a table free on the terrace.露台上有一张空桌子。Nervously clutching our glasses of wine, we gathered on the terrace.我们聚集到露台上,紧张地攥着手中的酒杯。The music from the party wafts out to the terrace.晚会的音乐飘到了外面的露台上。Take the deckchairs out onto the terrace.把帆布躺椅搬到露台上去。I was quite a long way away, on the terrace.我在露台上,离得还挺远。The open-air terrace affords unparalleled views of the Big Apple.从露天平台上可以看到纽约无与伦比的景色。Sit out on the terrace and drink in the stunning view.坐到外面的大阳台上,尽情享受那动人心魄的美景吧。Our house is in a long Victorian terrace in north London.我们的房子在伦敦北部一处长长的维多利亚式排房中。Single room in lovely flat, roof terrace, non-smoking prof., woman pref.舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。The front steps lead to an enormous terrace.前楼梯通向一片宽阔的露台。We sit on the terrace, which looks out on the sea.我们坐在面朝大海的露台上。A conservatory would make up for the fact that we were refused planning permission for a roof terrace.我们建屋顶平台的计划被驳回了,要是能盖一间温室也算一种补偿。You may simply prefer just to sit on the terrace with a cocktail.你也许只是想坐在阳台上喝一杯鸡尾酒。From the corner of the terrace the path extended down to the sea.这条小道从平台的一角延伸至海边。Meals can be served alfresco, on the terrace.可以在户外大露台上就餐。All the ensuites have a log fire and a private garden or terrace.所有带浴室的房间都有烧木柴的壁炉和独立的花园或露台。She wandered out onto the terrace.她走到庭院的露台上。Lunch is served on the terrace facing the sea.午餐安排在面对大海的露天平台上。He grows roses in tubs on the terrace.他在阳台上木盆里种玫瑰。The hotel has a roof terrace overlooking the sea.那家旅馆有一个俯瞰大海的屋顶露台。The idea of building a roof terrace was also foiled by the planning authorities.建造一个带棚阳台的想法也被规划局否决了。It's baking on the terrace.阳台上烤得慌。He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.他坐在法国南部自家别墅的露台上,沐浴在阳光里。He ran down the steps to the pool terrace and plunged in.他跑下台阶来到泳池露台,纵身跳进池里。Afternoon tea is served on the terrace.下午茶在阳台上喝。They were sitting on the terrace enjoying a cappuccino.他们坐在露台上,享受着卡布其诺咖啡。You may prefer to sit on the terrace sipping a cocktail at sunset.你也许更喜欢在日落时分坐在阳台上喝喝鸡尾酒。The balcony cantilevers over the terrace below.阳台悬挑在楼下露台的上方。The door opens onto a sunny terrace.门开向阳光充足的阳台。




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