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I'll have to iron out the creases.我得把皱褶烫平。She smoothed down the creases in her dress.她抚平了自己连衣裙上的皱褶。She walked over to the bed and smoothed out the wrinkles.她走到床边,抚平皱褶。If you hang that dress over the bath, the steam will get the wrinkles out.如果你把那裙子挂在浴缸上面,蒸气会把皱褶熏平的。The sweater's long sleeves kept getting all bunched up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。The sweater's long sleeves kept bunching up around her wrists.毛衣的长袖子在她的手腕处成皱褶收拢。Use an iron to smooth out any creases.用熨斗把皱褶熨平。 |