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词汇 unsuccessful
例句 I've been an unsuccessful dieter for years.多年来,我一直是个失败的减肥者。She is an unsuccessful farmer.她是个失败的农场主。Unfortunately attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.不幸的是,将它与其他土豆品种杂交的尝试均告失败。We have been unsuccessful in finding a new manager.我们没能找到一位新的经理。I regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful in your application.我遗憾地通知您,您的申请未能成功。His last novel was unsuccessful.他的上一部小说不算成功。His efforts were unsuccessful.他的努力失败了。She made an unsuccessful run for a seat in the Senate. 她试图竞选参议员,但是落选了。He was unsuccessful in getting a job.他没找到工作。I am sorry to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful.我很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受。Efforts to silence opposition have so far been unsuccessful.对反对派言论的压制目前来说还远未成功。Efforts toward peace have been largely unsuccessful.为和平所付出的努力多半没有成功。I regret to inform you that your application was unsuccessful.很遗憾,您的申请未能通过,现特函通知。Every attempt to pin down the cause of the disease has proved unsuccessful.确定病因的所有努力都失败了。There were reports last month of unsuccessful negotiations between guerrillas and commanders.上个月有报道称游击队和军方首脑之间的谈判失败了。Letters are sent to all unsuccessful candidates.他们给所有落选的候选人都寄去了信。The army made an unsuccessful attempt to end the rebellion.军队试图平定叛乱但未获成功。The operation was unsuccessful.那次手术失败了。Attempts to ginger up the tennis club's social nights proved unsuccessful.打算带动网球俱乐部社交晚会气氛的尝试并未奏效。Police attempts to infiltrate neo-Nazi groups have been largely unsuccessful.警方潜入新纳粹组织的行动基本上没有成功。Her efforts to rejuvenate her career have so far been unsuccessful.她振兴事业的努力还没有成功。He and his friend Boris were unsuccessful in getting a job.他和他朋友鲍里斯都没有找到工作。After several unsuccessful attempts to start his car, he swore in vexation.几次发动汽车都没有打着火,他气得骂了起来。Attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.把它与其他土豆杂交的尝试都没有成功。She held on to her dreams of stardom throughout her unsuccessful career.她事业一直未能成功,但她坚持不放弃自己的明星梦。If our bid is unsuccessful, we'll have to close down.如果投标失败,那我们就得停业了。The government has been unsuccessful at disarming the rebels.政府未能解除叛乱分子的武装。Tom tried to hypnotize me but he was unsuccessful.汤姆想为我催眠但他没成功。He and his wife July sank their life savings into an unsuccessful attempt to build a marina on a reservoir in Colorado.他和妻子朱莉把毕生的储蓄投资于在科罗拉多河的一座水库上造个小码头的计划,结果投资失败了。There were many unsuccessful attempts to climb the North Face of Mount Everest.有许多人试图攀登珠穆朗玛峰北坡,但都未能成功。He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company.他始终未能如愿以偿地在公司董事会中谋得一席之地。The company has been unsuccessful in its efforts to sway/change public opinion. 那家公司为改变公众看法而付出的努力未能奏效。Their first attempt at a solution was unsuccessful.他们解决问题的第一次尝试没有成功。Attempts to outlaw abortion have so far been unsuccessful.通过法律禁止堕胎的尝试到目前为止尚未能成功。Talks aimed at reuniting the island have been unsuccessful.旨在重新统一该岛的谈判没有取得成功。Mr Meaney made an unsuccessful bid for the presidency two years ago.米尼先生两年前曾竞逐过主席的职位,但未能成功。Efforts to appease the angry protesters were unsuccessful.安抚愤怒抗议者的努力没能奏效。The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn.成功者与失败者的区别在于成功者能够学以致用。All their efforts were largely unsuccessful.他们的一切努力大多没有结果。His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.他到伦敦小画廊兜售自己的画作,结果碰了一鼻子灰。




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