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词汇 百分之五
例句 Fewer than five percent of women have their babies on their due date.不到百分之五的妇女在预产期生产。The economy is swelling at an annual rate of five percent.经济以每年百分之五的速度增长。Five percent may not sound like much but it's a lot of money when you add it all up.百分之五也许听上去不多,但是加在一起就是一大笔钱。The construction of new houses declined five percent this year.今年新房屋的建造减少了百分之五By my calculation, 5% of the students will fail in the exam.据我估计,百分之五的学生不能通过这次考试。The market is growing at a clip of five percent a year.市场以每年百分之五的速度增长。Their profits have averaged five percent growth in the last four years.在过去四年里,他们的利润平均每年增长百分之五The company has raised/lowered its sights for annual sales by five percent.公司将年度销售目标提高/降低了百分之五The strikers are holding out for a 5% pay increase.罢工者坚持要求增加薪资百分之五I received a five percent increase in my salary.我的工资涨了百分之五They give five percent of their gross to charity every year.每年他们都把总收入的百分之五捐给慈善机构。Sales decreased by five percent this year.今年的销售额减少了百分之五They achieved their goal of increasing sales by five percent.他们实现了销售增长百分之五的目标。




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