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例句 The organization has had time to show its true colours, to show its inefficiency and its bungling.时间一长,这个机构就暴露出了它效率低下、差错百出的真面目。There are innumerable errors in the book.这本书谬误百出The text is filled with inaccuracies.这篇课文谬误百出The report was shot through with inaccuracies.这份报告错误百出The article was full of howlers.这篇文章错漏百出The film is full of anachronisms.这部影片年代错误百出The report was riddled with errors.这份报告错误百出The reports were full of errors, ambiguities, and omissions.这些报告错误百出,模棱两可,丢三落四。Here, the organization has had time to show its true colours, to show its inefficiency and its bungling.现在时间一长,这个机构就露出了真面目,效率低下,差错百出He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously.他凭着记忆作了记录,用词恰当但拼写错误百出




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