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词汇 半数以上
例句 The French company holds a majority stake in the retail chain.这家法国公司持有该零售连锁店半数以上的股权。The proposal failed to win a majority in the Senate. 这项提案未获得参议院半数以上的赞成票。Over half of all Caesarean births are classed as emergencies.全部剖宫产里,半数以上都是因为紧急情况而实施的。Over half of Taiwan's fishing boats use drift nets in their deep sea fishing.半数以上的台湾渔船使用流刺网捕鱼。More than half of all confectionery is bought on impulse.半数以上的糖果是一时兴起买下的。Over half of the staff is female.半数以上的职员是女性。More than half of all juvenile delinquents currently in state institutions have disturbed family backgrounds.目前关押在州监狱的少年犯半数以上都有不良家庭背景。More than half the inmates were there for some sort of violent crime.那里关押的犯人半数以上犯了某种暴力罪。Over half the people who signed up to do engineering were women.报名读工程学的人半数以上为女性。We canvassed over half the constituency by phone or text-message.我们通过电话或短信方式征求了选区内半数以上选民的意见。For the first time in history, more than half of us now live in cities.有史以来第一次半数以上的人口生活在城市。More than half the people in the study said they do not pay attention to election campaigns.接受调查的人有半数以上都说他们不关心竞选活动。Any candidate with more than half the votes shall be declared elected.候选人如果获得半数以上选票将被宣布当选。




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