例句 |
The sunken sailing-boat was a glimmer of white on the bottom.沉没的帆船在海底闪烁着白光。Suddenly there was a flash of white light in the sky.突然,天空中白光一闪。We festooned the halls with leaves and white lights.我们用树叶和白光灯装饰了大厅。Suddenly there was a flash of white light in the sky.突然,天空中闪过一道白光。We caught a flash of white in the bushes.我们看见丛林中闪过一道白光。The pebble beach gleamed white in the moonlight.月光下,遍布鹅卵石的海滩闪烁着白光。Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.即使是炉火上方的壁炉架也发出了耀眼的白光。The white glimmer in the distance is a lighthouse.远处发微弱白光的是一座灯塔。 |