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词汇 drained
例句 He drained what was left of his drink.他一口喝干了剩下的酒。He raised the glass to his lips and drained it at one gulp.他把酒杯举到嘴边,一口干掉。The marsh was drained by Henry VIII.这块沼泽被亨利八世下令排干。This plant needs rich, well-drained soil.这种植物需要排水性能优良的肥沃土壤。The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter.每年冬天这座游泳池都要排干水后进行清洗。The anger drained from his face.他脸上的怒气消散了。Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.在别处,大片区域被抽干了水或铲平了地,以作为工业或集约化农业用地。The civil war drained the country of its manpower and wealth.内战耗尽了国家的人力和财富。The company has steadily drained its cash reserves.公司已逐渐用完了其现金储备。Jim drained his glass then offered to buy everyone another one.吉姆喝完自己的一杯后,提出由他请客给每人都再来一杯。The steep, stony ground is well drained.陡峭的石头地面排水性能很好。Certain plants cannot live in poorly drained soils.有些植物在排水不良的土壤中无法存活。Luckily the water drained away in time.幸好水及时排掉了。The long war had drained the resources of both countries.那场旷日持久的战争使两国元气大伤。His voice was utterly drained of emotion.他的声音再没有任何感情。The week's emotional turmoil had drained me.这一周情绪上的波动让我精疲力竭。Plant the seedlings in well-drained potting mix.把幼苗植于排水良好的盆栽混合料中。My emotional turmoil had drained me.纷乱的情绪让我心力交瘁。Overuse has drained the phrase of all meaning.这个短语因过度使用而失去了意义。You look completely drained - why don't you go to bed?你看起来是累坏了——为什么不去睡一觉?The color drained from her face. 她的脸色变得苍白。The tension drained slightly and they stole little glances at each other.紧张气氛略有缓和,他们偷偷地相互看了几眼。We drained the pond and filled it with fresh water.我们把池塘中的水放干后重新注入清水。They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land.他们排去沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。There is an odd, antiseptic feel to the place, as if all life has been drained out of it.这个地方有一种古怪、超然的感觉,好像所有的生命都被抽干了。Jock's face had been suddenly drained of all colour.乔克的脸突然变得煞白。United left the pitch looking stunned and drained.曼联队离开球场时看上去备受打击,身心俱疲。Years of civil war have drained the country of its resources. 长年内战使国家的资源消耗殆尽。This shrub likes sun and water as well as a fertile well-drained soil.这种灌木喜欢阳光和水,还喜欢肥沃、排水良好的土壤。The doctors drained bloody fluid from the knee.医生们从膝盖里引流出血性液体。Roses do best in well-drained, slightly acid soil.玫瑰在排水良好、稍有酸性的土壤里长得最好。The blood drained from his face, leaving the skin a dead white.他的脸血色尽失,变得惨白。The reforms had drained the public purse.这些改革已耗尽了国库。They drained a lot of fluid from his lungs.他们从他的肺中抽出了许多液体。I feel totally drained.我感到精疲力竭。Jock's face had been suddenly drained of all colours.乔克忽然面色惨白。He and his wife had avoided candour, and they had drained their marriage.他们夫妻间不坦率,已使婚姻奄奄一息。The police even drained the lake in their search for the body.警方为了寻找尸体,甚至排干了湖水。Tanks must be completely drained of fuel before the vehicles are crated.车辆在装箱前必须把油箱里的燃油完全排干。His face was pale, his cheeks hollow, his expression drained.他脸色苍白,两颊凹陷,面无表情。




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