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词汇 票数
例句 The proposal was outvoted by eight votes to six.这个提议以八比六的票数被否决。The election commission decided that write-ins would not be counted.竞选委员会决定,投给非正式候选人的选票不计入总票数He was elected with a huge popular vote to the Congress.他以很高的选民票数当选国会议员。Pfeifer was the top vote-getter in last year's election.在去年的选举中法伊弗获得最高票数The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot.结果显示,他已获得了足够把对手拖入二次投票的票数When you tally up all the votes, those cast by outliers need not be counted.当你将选票加总的时候,局外人的票数不必计算在内。They voted him out by an overwhelming margin.他们以压倒性的票数使他落选下了台。The bill failed to get the required number of votes.草案没有得到规定的票数Are there enough votes in Congress to override the President's veto?国会是否有足够多的票数去推翻总统的否决?He narrowly lost the presidential election.竞选总统时他因票数仅差一点点而落选。The vote was tied and a local union leader used his casting vote in favour of the return to work.两方票数相同,一名当地工会领导人投下了赞成复工的决定票。Both candidates received an equal number of votes.两位候选人得到了相等的票数In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.参议院现在的票数还难分上下。Not until all the ballots have been cast can they be counted.直到所有人都投了票,才能清点票数The Republicans increased their share of the vote, but still fell short of a majority.共和党票数增加了,但仍达不到多数。The vote went against the government.票数对政府不利。He won by a majority of two: the vote was seven to five.他以两票多数获胜:票数是七比五。In the end it was no contest. New Labour won more votes than even they thought possible.最终是所向披靡,新工党获得的票数甚至超出了他们自己的预料。Second place was still too close to call.由于票数太接近,谁是第二名还不得而知。She is currently within two hundred votes of being elected.目前她的票数离当选还差不到二百张。Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.票数有限,先申请者先得。The People's Party is narrowly behind the Socialists in the polls.民意测验中人民党以微弱票数之差排在社会党人之后。




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