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词汇 疲惫
例句 When he returned, he looked pale and weary.他回来的时候,看上去苍白而疲惫By the end of the week I was completely strung out.到周末时我疲惫极了。You may feel the strain of sitting cooped up in the aircraft cabin for hours.在狭窄的飞机客舱里坐上几个小时你可能会感到身心疲惫I trailed wearily after the others.疲惫地拖着步子走在其他人后面。A postman was tramping the streets.一名邮递员在疲惫地走街串巷。News editors have to crank up tired reporters.新闻编辑不得不给疲惫的记者们打气。You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.长途飞行后,你可能会感到身心疲惫Nancy dropped into a nearby chair.南希疲惫地瘫坐到近处的椅子上。Primrose, stupefied by tiredness, began to wail that she was hungry.普里姆罗丝因疲惫而显得有些迟钝,开始哭着说饿了。She was beginning to jade.她开始觉得疲惫了。She was looking very haggard and worn.她看上去非常憔悴和疲惫You must have noticed how tired he sometimes looks.你一定注意到他有时候显得特别疲惫Michael sighed wearily.迈克尔疲惫地叹了口气。A lot of people feel run down in the winter months, when the days are short and there's very little sunlight.许多人在冬季几个月里会觉得很疲惫,那个时节白天短,日光少。I put his irritability down to tiredness.我把他的易怒归咎于疲惫The symptoms include headache, malaise, and fatigue.症状包括头痛、身体不适和疲惫Too many requests for aid can cause compassion fatigue.太多的求助会引起同情心的疲惫麻木。The work wearies me sometimes.工作有时使我疲惫I could see hunger, exhaustion and despair in their eyes.我从他们眼中看到了饥饿、疲惫和绝望。He sighed wearily as he looked at the pile of work.看着那一大堆文件,他疲惫地叹了口气。Amanda wouldn't admit how much the children wearied her.阿曼达不愿承认孩子们让她有多疲惫Looking gaunt and tired, he denied there was anything to worry about.他看起来消瘦而疲惫,却说没什么可担心的。Along hot shower worked wonders on my tired muscles.洗个长时间的热水澡对我疲惫的肌肉很有好处。You look tired. Why don't you come and have a sit-down for a few minutes.你看起来很疲惫,为什么不来坐下休息几分钟呢?She looked drawn and tired when she turned towards me.她转向我时看上去憔悴又疲惫What's wrong, my dearest? You look tired.出什么事了,我最亲爱的?你看起来很疲惫He didn't look too tired, considering.从各方面看,他的神色还不算太疲惫She noted how he looked pinched and tired.她发觉他看上去那么消瘦和疲惫He trudged wearily on down the road.他沿着路疲惫地向前走。He came out of basic training only slightly the worse for wear.他参加基础训练后只是稍显疲惫He looks tired and careworn.他看上去疲惫而憔悴。Sara yawned as she climbed wearily into bed.萨拉一边打呵欠,一边疲惫地爬到床上。His eyes felt heavy with fatigue.他眼皮沉重,很疲惫He curved his mouth into a weary smile.他嘴角边挤出一丝疲惫的微笑。He spoke in a flat, tired voice.他讲话的声音平淡而疲惫His hooded eyes look tired.他耷拉着眼皮,看上去很疲惫He looked weary and bedraggled.他看上去又疲惫,又邋遢。The inn is a haven for weary travelers.这个旅馆为疲惫的游客提供了一个憩息所。The stress of her final exams made her a wreck.期末考试的压力让她身心疲惫After a long evening of partying he looked tired.漫长的一晚聚会之后,他看上去很疲惫




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