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词汇 留作
例句 They cut a hole in the wall for the new window.他们在墙上凿出一个洞,留作新窗户。This is land being held for future expansion.这片土地留作日后扩展之用。When Ebony grew too old to race they put him out to stud.当埃博尼老得不能再参加比赛时,他们将其留作种马。Some of the animals will be kept as breeding stock.一些牲畜将留作种畜。Keep one as a master copy for your own reference and circulate the others.一盘留作母带自用,其余的都分发出去。The decorations were taken down and put away for another year.装饰品被取下收起来,留作来年使用。Half of the small crop was kept for home consumption.不多的粮食收成中,一半被留作国内消费。A few acres of the city were set apart for a park.这个城市有几英亩地被留作公园用地了。Mix in half the butter and keep the remaining half for later.将一半黄油掺入,剩下的一半留作以后使用。A section of the field was assigned for parking.场地的一部分被留作停车场。The bottom of the garden was given over to vegetable plots.花园的尽头留作了菜地。




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