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She saw the necessity to make an immediate impression on him.她意识到必须立刻给他留下印象。Shelly constantly tries to impress her boss.谢利经常想令老板对她留下印象。Parisians are said to be jaded and unimpressible.据说什么东西都不能使巴黎人表示出兴趣和留下印象。He uses big words to impress people.他用一些大词来给人们留下印象。It's a performance that's sure to make an impression on the judges.这个表演肯定会给评委留下印象。He impressed no one by his bluster.他的大话没有给任何人留下印象。He always uses a lot of convoluted arguments to support his theories, but no one's ever impressed.他总是用错综复杂的论据来证明自己的理论,可是没有给谁留下印象。She wasn't impressed by his limp handshake.他软绵绵的握手没有给她留下印象。 |