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He surreptitiously eased his tie and was able to breathe a little easier.他偷偷地松了松领带,呼吸畅快了一点。The massage had left me with a pleasant tingly sensation.按摩后我感到阵阵畅快。He felt strangely exhilarated by the brisk, blue morning.这个万里无云、天空蔚蓝的早上令他感到莫名地畅快。It was a case of sweet revenge for Sam.这对山姆而言是一次畅快的复仇。I'm actually glad you're late - it gave Ken and me a chance to have a good chat.你迟到实际上我还高兴呢,这样我和肯才有机会畅快地聊天。I haven' laughed so much in years.我很久没这么畅快地笑过了。 |