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词汇 画作
例句 The world's finest collection of Impressionist paintings is housed in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.巴黎奥塞美术馆拥有世界上最棒的印象派画作馆藏。Most of the best paintings in the exhibition were already spoken for.展览中大多数最好的画作都已经有人订购了。Many of the paintings burned, but the most valuable ones were saved.许多画作被焚毁,但是最珍贵的被抢救出来了。She uses a lot of reds and pinks in her paintings.她的画作中大量使用红色和粉红色。He went over the painting, giving it the final touches.他对这幅画作了最后的润色。She has a number of Picasso's paintings in her private collection.她的私人收藏中有一些毕加索的画作He gave the picture a few finishing touches.他给这幅画作了几笔最后的润饰。He stepped back to consider the whole painting.他向后退步,仔细端详整幅画作Experts disagree over the age of the drawings.专家对这些画作的年代意见不统一。A large picture of the battle of Waterloo occupied the space above the fireplace.一幅描绘滑铁卢战役的巨幅画作占据了壁炉上方的空间。She looked at her painting with pride. 她满意地看着自己的画作There is a widely held view that only small paintings sell easily.普遍认为只有小画作容易出售。She hopes to show her paintings at the Institute of Contemporary Art.她希望在当代美术学院展出她的画作Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.半个世纪以来,她的画作一直令公众叹服。The fire reduced the paintings to ashes.大火将这些画作烧成了灰烬。He pledged his paintings as collateral/security for a loan.他拿出了自己的一些画作为贷款抵押。He was perambulating the room and inspecting the drawings.他在房间内四处巡视,检察画作It turns out his paintings aren't worth a red cent.结果证明他的画作分文不值。All the paintings are startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour.景深和色彩的运用令所有的画作都展现出令人惊叹的戏剧性效果。She pays great attention to the surface texture of her paintings.她非常重视她的画作的表面质感。One of the missing paintings suddenly resurfaced.其中一幅遗失的画作突然又出现了。The museum has an exhibition of paintings on loan from the Louvre.博物馆有个画展,展出从卢浮宫借来的画作Van Gogh's "Sunflowers’ is one of the most famous pictures in the world.梵高的《向日葵》是世界上最著名的画作之一。If you look carefully, you can see the artist's name in the corner of the picture.如果你仔细看,可以看到画作的角落有画家的签名。The collection of paintings included, inter alia, several Rembrandts and several Picassos. 除了其他画作,这批绘画藏品还包括几幅伦勃朗和几幅毕加索的画作Her paintings fascinate me. = I'm fascinated by/with her paintings.我被她的画作迷住了。There's no mistaking a painting by Picasso.毕加索的画作不可能被认错。The exhibition includes drawings by Rembrandt.展览中有伦勃朗的画作These latest paintings show how the artist has really grown in maturity.这些最新的画作表明这位画家如何已真正走向了成熟。Red is usually the dominant colour in his paintings.红色通常是他的画作的主色。His most famous paintings hang in the Louvre.他最著名的画作在卢浮宫展出。Thieves broke into the gallery and made off with paintings valued at over $2 million.窃贼闯入画廊,盗走了价值二百多万美元的画作The visitors were in raptures when they saw the pictures on display at the new gallery.参观的人们看到新美术馆展出的一幅幅画作热烈地谈论不止。The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has recently acquired several paintings by Salvador Dali.波士顿美术博物馆最近弄到了几幅萨尔瓦多·达利的画作Mark's jeans were a mess by the time he finished painting.当迈克完成画作时,他的牛仔裤已经很脏了。She showed me a selection of her drawings.她给我看了她的画作选。Nowadays, he and his paintings are in disrepute.如今他和他的画作都名声不佳。Some of his paintings never even saw the light of day.他的一些画作甚至从未公开展出。The artist has used contrast marvelously in his paintings.那画家在他的画作中出色地运用了色彩的对比。This painting is the jewel in our gallery.这幅画作是本画廊的珍品。




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