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词汇 haircut
例句 I was not quite satisfied with my haircut but let it go at that.我对给我理的发不很满意,但也只好算了。Isn't it about time you had a haircut?你是不是该理发了?Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut.查克会训我一顿,叫我去理发。I must be popping out for a haircut.我得出去理一下发。I like your new haircut.我喜欢你的新发型。His classmates needled him about his new haircut.他的同学嘲弄他的新发型。He's changed his appearance with a new haircut. = His new haircut has changed his appearance.新发型让他变了个样。Lisette came back from New York with a trendy asymmetric haircut.莉塞特从纽约归来,理了一个两边不对称的新潮发型。Did you have to make such a personal remark about her new haircut?你非得针对她的新发型说长道短吗?I really like your new haircut.我非常喜欢你的新发型。He went to the barber's to get a haircut.他去理发店理发。The world champion has a trendy new image with a fashionable spiky haircut.这位世界冠军剪了一个时尚的刺头,有了一个时髦的新形象。He was unshaven, and badly needed a haircut.他没刮脸,头发也着实需要剪一剪了。Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut.你的头发还好,就是该理理发了。What a stupid haircut!多可笑的发型!Stop the presses! Dan has had a haircut!重大新闻!丹理发了!All the kids poked fun at Dan's new haircut.所有的孩子都嘲笑丹的新发型。How much should I tip for a haircut?我剪个头发要付多少小费?To boost my confidence I went for a haircut and bought some new clothes.为了增强自信心,我去理了发,又买了几件新衣服。Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit.现在政界讲究的无非是合适的发型和时髦的衣着。You need a haircut.你需要剪头发了。The haircut emphasised her fragile beauty.发型突出了她的精致之美。You ought to have a haircut before the interview.面试前你应该理个发。Do you think my new haircut makes me look a bit square?你觉得我的新发型是不是让我看上去有点儿古板?I didn't recognize you at first with your new haircut.你换了新发型,一开始我都没认出来。I like your haircut - it's very chic.我喜欢你的发型——很时髦。The boys rallied him on his short haircut.男孩子们因他理了短发而跟他开玩笑。Her new haircut softened her features.她的新发型使脸部轮廓显圆。Do you like my haircut?你喜欢我的发型吗?One of her regulars came into the salon and asked for a haircut.她的一位老顾客走进发廊,让她给剪头发。She pioneered the short haircut for women.她倡导了妇女的短发型。Everyone dissolved into fits of laughter when they saw my haircut.看到我的发型,大家都哈哈大笑。Her new haircut makes her look young/younger.她的新发型让她看起来年轻/更年轻了。He was badly dressed and he needed a haircut.他的穿戴很不像样,而且他的头发也得理理。His haircut was a bit naff.他的发型有点儿过时。It's worth paying a bit more for a good haircut.头发剪得好,略贵一些也值得。Is your haircut to your liking?你的发式称你的心吗?I've made an appointment to have a haircut.我已经预约好了去理发。She looks loads better with her new haircut.她做了新发型后好看多了。Hello! There's no way anyone will give you a job with that haircut.喂!理这么个发型,肯定不会有人给你工作的。




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