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词汇 作风
例句 The man is a fanatic who is determined to wipe out any opposition to the way he conducts himself.这人是个狂热分子,决意扫除任何反对其行事作风的声音。The gangrene of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie should be amputated from the State.国家应该铲除贵族和资产阶级的道德败坏作风His decision not to expand the business shows his down-to-earth realism.他决定不扩大经营规模,这显示了他脚踏实地的务实作风She could have forced them to do it, but that's not her way.她本可以强迫他们做这件事,但这不是她的作风He's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet.他是一位退休的中校,保持着几分纪律严明的作风Your father is unlikely to change his ways now.你父亲现在不大可能改变他的作风True to type, Adam turned up an hour late.亚当晚了一小时才到,这完全符合他的作风Fred acted with his accustomed shrewdness.弗雷德以他一贯的精明作风行事。Your working day will need to be organized with military precision.需以军人的精确作风对你们的工作日进行安排。I have given him a lot of stick about his laid-back attitude.我经常严厉批评他懒散的作风The company's employees disliked the new chairman's autocratic style.公司员工不喜欢这位新董事长的专横作风The pseudosophistication derived from association with the upper crust divorces a man from reality.同上流社会交往养成的矫饰作风使人脱离实际。Miss Furniss could not abide sloppiness.弗尼斯小姐受不了马马虎虎的作风The male chauvinist attitude of some people in the company could get you down.公司里一些人的大男子主义作风会让人不快。The report criticises the newspaper for sensationalism.这篇报道批评了报纸哗众取宠的作风Above all, they esteem her down-to-earth ways.首先他们看重她朴实谦逊的作风That's not his style.那不是他的作风He called for widespread changes to make the armed forces more democratic and less expensive.他呼吁进行广泛的改革,使武装部队作风更加民主,开支更加俭省。They resent the boss's paternalistic attitude.他们痛恨老板的家长式作风The movie's main character is a hard-boiled gumshoe.电影主角是一名作风强硬的私家侦探。He hired a pert redhead in uniform to act as his assistant.他雇了一名身穿制服、作风泼辣的红发女子当他的助手。His manner is extremely authoritarian.他的作风极其专断。It seemed very middle-class to worry about such niceties as clean hands and darned socks.担心手是否干净、袜子是否有补丁这类面子上的事情,很像中产阶级的作风Don't encourage him in his idle ways.别助长他的懒散作风It's typical of Ramon to waste time when he knows we're already late.明知我们已经迟了还在浪费时间,这是雷蒙的典型作风For years, the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.该机构多年来因官僚主义作风严重,发展受到阻滞。Mathison's brusque style tends to irritate colleagues.马西森那莽撞的作风很容易惹恼同事。He acts tough, but that's just a cover. He's a real softy underneath.作风强硬,但那只是假象。骨子里他是个心肠软的人。Your carelessness obliges firmness on my part.你那粗枝大叶的作风使我不得不对你严格。His positive ways made him hard to live with.他武断的作风使人难以同他共同生活。He carried out his duties with great delicacy and understanding.他以极其持重练达的作风完成了任务。Openly criticizing a fellow worker is just not my style. 公开批评同事绝非我的作风His army years had stamped him with an air of brisk authority.多年的军旅生涯使他养成了一种雷厉风行的作风This is yet another slur on the integrity of the Metropolitan Police.这是对伦敦市警察局刚正廉明作风的又一次诽谤。He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.作为领导他被指责作风软弱,优柔寡断。The firm's top man refined on his management style.公司总裁对管理作风作了精微的改进。The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far.迄今为止,这支军队作风端正。We must keep to the style of plain living.我们必须保持朴实生活的作风He is modest and small-town in his way.作风谦虚朴实。Elaine's houseproud ways got on his nerves, but it was better than living alone.伊莱恩喜爱收拾房间的作风让他吃不消,但这总比独自生活好。




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