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词汇 你们这些
例句 What are you children squabbling about now?你们这些孩子在吵什么? Why don't you boys sit someplace else?你们这些男孩子为什么不坐在别的地方?I'm beginning to lose patience with you people.我开始对你们这些人失去耐心了。I wish you children would sit still for 10 minutes.我希望你们这些孩子安静地坐十分钟不要动。I will not have the likes of you dragging down my reputation.我不会让你们这些人败坏我的名声。Why don't you fucks find a cure for that already?你们这些狗杂种为什么还没找到治那病的办法?You boys aren't old enough to go to the mall by yourselves.孩子你们这些小子还没有到可以自己去购物中心的年龄。I figure you people are pretty well fixed.我估计你们这些人的境况都很不错。Come on you guys, let's see you put some muscle into it!快点,你们这些家伙,让我们看看你们使点劲出来干活!You boys have got to learn to behave yourselves.你们这些男孩子必须学着规矩点。Can you guys at least try and be nice to her?你们这些家伙就不能至少试着对她好一点儿吗?We expect you boys to behave yourselves, and the same goes for the girls.我们希望你们这些男孩子能守规矩,女孩子们也一样。Do you kids have to make such a terrible racket?你们这些孩子非得这样大吵大闹不可吗?I want to see all you guys and gals out on the dance floor!我想看到你们这些男孩女孩都上舞池跳舞!All right, I'll go without you - you guys have no sense of adventure at all!好吧,我一个人去—一你们这些家伙一点冒险精神都没有!Have you boys washed your hands yet?你们这些男孩子洗过手了吗?You older children are supposed to set a good example to the younger ones.你们这些大孩子应当给小孩子树立好榜样。You kids go wash up now - dinner's nearly ready.你们这些孩子现在去洗洗手洗洗脸—晚饭快弄好了。You guys have good timing, we just started to eat.你们这些家伙来得正是时候,我们刚开始吃呢。You boys! What on earth do you think you're playing at? Stop it at once!你们这些孩子!你们说到底想干什么?快给我停下来!You kids certainly made short work of those cakes!你们这些孩子把蛋糕解决得可真快啊!What you kids need is more exercise.你们这些孩子需要多运动。You children deserve to buy yourselves a treat.你们这些孩子该给自己买顿好吃的。Come on you mutts, play harder!加把劲,你们这些笨蛋!Come on, you guys, you're putting me on, right?行了,你们这些家伙,在拿我开玩笑吧,是不是?What are you kids doing under the table?你们这些孩子在桌子底下干什么?We want to know about the issues that concern you, the voters.我们想知道你们这些选民所关心的问题。For all you doubting Thomases, I'll quote from an authoritative book to prove my point.对于你们这些怀疑主义者,我要从一本具有权威性的著作上引用材料来证明我的论点。Let me tell you something – if I catch you kids smoking again, you'll be grounded for a month at least.我告诉你们 — 如果我再抓到你们这些孩子在吸烟,就会罚你们至少一个月不准出门。You boys stink to high heaven - go inside and take a shower.你们这些小子臭气熏天的—进去洗个淋浴。You kids see anything of a little white dog?你们这些孩子可见到过一只小白狗吗?From now on, you kids will have to make your own lunch.现在起你们这些孩子得自己做午餐了。You guys are nuts.你们这些人简直是有毛病。Don't you kids have any homework?你们这些小家伙难道没有功课吗?You kids are playing your music too loud.你们这些孩子把音乐声开得太大了。You're just bone idle, the lot of you.你们就是懒骨头,你们这些家伙。You kids had better shape up, because I'm in no mood to fool around.你们这些孩子最好规矩点,我可不想浪费时间。I heard you girls won the contest. Way to go!我听说你们这些姑娘们赢了比赛。真棒!




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