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词汇 电视屏幕
例句 Old films no longer fade into oblivion, but have a continued life on our TV screens.老电影不再逐渐被人淡忘,而是会出现在电视屏幕上,获得持久生命力。An Identikit picture of the gunman was flashed on the television screens.一幅由容貌拼具拼出的持枪歹徒的头像映现在千家万户的电视屏幕上。Not content with appearing on our TV screens every day, the couple have decided to expand their chat-show empire.这对夫妇不满足于每天出现在电视屏幕上,于是决定扩展他们的脱口秀帝国。The television screen flickered into life.电视屏幕闪了一下,出现了图像。How can anyone remain unmoved by pictures of starving children on our TV screens?看了我们电视屏幕上播出的饥饿儿童的画面,谁还能无动于衷?Winifred sat with her eyes glued to the television screen.威妮弗雷德坐着,目不转睛地盯着电视屏幕The minute that the war started, everybody was glued to the television.战争一爆发,每个人就都盯着电视屏幕The event will be relayed to a giant TV screen a mile away.这项赛事将会在一英里以外的一个巨大的电视屏幕上转播。They were riveted to the television screen.他们目不转睛地盯着电视屏幕The images flashed up on a bank of television screens.图像闪现在一排电视屏幕上。Images of the war flashed across the screen.电视屏幕上闪过那场战争的画面。Our TV screens have been taken over by so-called yob culture.我们的电视屏幕已经被所谓的野小子文化所占领。The television screens of the next century will be linked up to an emerging world telecommunications grid.下个世纪的电视屏幕将会接入到正在形成的全球电信网络中。The kids sat staring at the images on the TV screen.孩子们坐在那里,注视着电视屏幕上的图像。Howie hid her face in her hands while Mr Martin paced the room, unable to look at the screen.豪伊将脸埋在手掌中不去看电视屏幕,而马丁先生则在屋里不安地踱步。They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面孔了。The news flashed on television.这条新闻闪映在电视屏幕上。He seemed to be staring at a blank television screen.他似乎在盯着没有图像的电视屏幕A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen.透镜会把图片放大,就像在看巨大的电视屏幕一样。The stadium has a jumbo TV screen.体育场有个大型电视屏幕The television screen remained the centre of attention.电视屏幕仍然是人们关注的中心。




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