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词汇 carved
例句 These new rules are not carved in stone; if they don't work, we'll change them.这些新规定不是永久的;如果没效果,我们就进行更改。He has carved a reputation for toughness as a trainer.他树立了铁面教练的名声。When the old man died the estate was carved up and sold.老人去世时后地产被瓜分出售。He carved himself a nice position in the business.他在企业中努力谋得一个很好的地位。Someone had carved their initials on the tree.有人将自己姓名的首字母刻在树上。Their initials are carved into the tree.他们姓名的首字母被刻在了树上。He carved his name on his desk.他把名字刻在自己的课桌上。She has carved a niche for herself as a consultant on music therapy.她当上了音乐疗法顾问,给自己开创出一片天地。He carved the joint of beef.他切开了那一大块待烤的牛肉。The scene has been carved in high relief.这一布景是采用高浮雕手法雕刻而成的。The two cousins looked as if they'd been carved from blocks of ice.两个堂姊妹看起来像由冰块雕刻而成。Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.可惜的是,多年来雕花的屋顶一直遭到蛀虫的侵害。Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock.乔一动不动,仿佛一尊石头雕像。The statue was carved out of marble.那雕像是用大理石雕刻的。Ben carved his name in the tree trunk, using the point of his knife.本用刀尖在树干上刻下自己的名字。The British and French carved up the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I.第一次世界大战结束后,英国和法国瓜分了奥斯曼帝国。They carved their initials into a tree.他们把自己名字的首字母刻在了树上。One of the prisoners has carved a beautiful wooden chess set.其中一个犯人刻了一副精美的木制象棋。Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside.将要修建两条三车道公路穿过乡间。The Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon.科罗拉多大峡谷是由科罗拉多河切割形成的。Centuries of erosion by wind have carved grooves in the rocks.经过几个世纪的风化,岩石上出现了一道道沟痕。Boxwood is used for making small carved objects and tool handles.黄杨木用于制作小型雕刻品和工具把手。The designs are carved/cut deeply into the wooden chairs.图案被深深地刻在木椅上。The altars were carved in smooth marble.这些圣坛是用光滑大理石雕刻成的。The bulldozers carved a great gash through the forest.推土机穿过森林,开辟出一条大口子。He carved an inscription on a bench.他将一则题字刻在长凳上。The altar bore a circular mirror in anornately carved wooden frame: an emblem of shinto worship.祭坛上有一面用精致雕刻木框镶嵌的镜子,是日本神教信仰的象征。His birthdate and date of death were carved on the stone.他的生日和忌日都刻在了石碑上。She carved out a reputation for herself as an aggressive manager.她作为一个咄咄逼人的经理人名声在外。Skilled craftsmen carved the enormous mantel.能工巧匠们雕刻了这个巨大的壁炉架。Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.墙的上部加了大梁以加固这个中世纪的雕花穹顶。Scientific opinions are not carved on tablets of stone; they change over the years.科学观点不是刻在石头上不可更改的,它们会随着时间而改变。The beef was carved into slices so thin you could almost see through them.牛肉被切成几乎透明的薄片。Sometimes she carved wood and sometimes stone; sometimes she modelled clay.她有时刻木雕,有时刻石雕,有时塑泥塑。They carved out an orchard where there used to be wild grass.他们在曾是野草丛生的地方开辟了果园。The river has carved a series of spectacular gorges.河流冲刷出一系列非常壮观的峡谷沟壑。He carved while I made the gravy.我做肉汁,他切肉。He carved a statue of her out of an old log.他用一段旧原木为她雕刻了一座塑像。Around the mirror were carved festoons of flowers.镜框四周刻满了垂花雕饰。He carved his initials on the wall.他将他名字的首字母刻在这墙上。




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