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The exclusion of minorities from the film industry is one of Hollywood's dirty little secrets.将少数民族排斥在电影业之外是好莱坞不可告人的小秘密之一。Movies are going down and television is taking over in the West.在西方,电影业每况愈下,电视业正在取而代之。He is a Broadway actor looking for a way into the movie industry.他是名百老汇演员,正在寻求进入电影业的途径。MGM, Paramount, and Columbia are all majors in film industry.米高梅、派拉蒙和哥伦比亚都是电影业的大公司。Cannes was invaded this week by top names from the film industry.本周戛纳城云集了来自电影业的顶尖人物。The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.电影业故意无视电视业的侵犯性竞争。She has stamped her own mark on the British film industry.她已在英国电影业中留下了自己的印迹。Critics are hoping the young director can breathe new life into the French film industry.影评家希望这位年轻导演会给法国的电影业注入新的生命。Foster's early experiences in Hollywood colored his views of the entire film industry.福斯特早期在好莱坞的经历影响了他对整个电影业的看法。For the movie business, it was all downhill from there.电影业从那时就开始完全走下坡路了。As the era wore on, she switched her attention to films.随着这个时代慢慢过去,她把目光投向了电影业。I was going to metamorphose the movies into an art.我准备把电影业转变为一门艺术。Marilyn Monroe is one of the film world's most famous sex symbols.玛丽莲‧梦露是电影业中最著名的性感偶像之一。He doesn't trust anyone in the movie business. He thinks that everyone in Hollywood is always on the make.他不相信电影业的任何人,他认为好莱坞的每个人都唯利是图。Los Angeles, California, is where it's at if you want to get into the film industry.如果你想进入电影业,加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶是最佳去处。We had to listen to his rant about the evils of the film industry.我们只能听他对电影业弊病的激烈指责。She was an unsung hero of the British film industry.她是英国电影业默默无闻的英雄。I'd love to work in film.我喜欢在电影业工作。Our film industry is on the rocks.我们的电影业困难重重。She may be cynical about the film industry, but she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.她对电影业可能有些怀疑失望,但并没有恩将仇报之意。There are a lot of people in the movie industry who are afraid to take chances and do new things.电影业里有不少人害怕冒险,不愿尝试新事物。O'Brien promised to continue his attacks on the film industry.奥布赖恩保证继续对电影业提出抨击。He always rants about the evils of the film industry.他总是慷慨激昂地指责电影业的弊病。The fashion business, he claims, not altogether convincingly, is more real than the film business.他声称时尚业比电影业更真实,但他的话并不完全令人信服。It's an open secret that organized crime has been financing films here for years.有组织的犯罪活动多年来一直为此地的电影业提供资金,这已是公开的秘密。She made some astute observations about the movie industry.她对电影业发表了一些深刻见解。I think you'll find more women entering the film business now.我想你会发现越来越多的女性进入电影业。She delivered an entertaining discourse on the current state of the film industry.她发表了一篇关于电影业现状的有趣论述。Its association with the movie industry has given the place a certain glamor.这个地方与电影业的联系使其有了一种特殊的魅力。In movies, talent by no means guarantees success.在电影业工作,天才并不一定就能成功。Hollywood is the capital of the movie industry.好莱坞是电影业的中心。She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.她对电影业可能有些怀疑失望,但终究没有恩将仇报之意。His shocking book about the movie industry has made him persona non grata in Hollywood.他那本关于电影业的令人震惊的著作使他成了好莱坞不受欢迎的人。 |