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词汇 cousins
例句 The cousins tolerated each other, but did not really get on well together.这对表亲互相容忍,但其实彼此相处得并不好。Rural children deserve as good an education as their city cousins.乡村儿童与城市儿童应受同样良好的教育。I just found out that my best friend and I are related through distant cousins.我才发现我最好的朋友和我是远房表亲。My uncle likes to kibitz when I play poker with my cousins.我和表兄弟玩扑克的时候,我舅舅喜欢在一旁指手画脚。He's her first cousin. = He and she are first cousins.他和她是表兄妹。I see my cousins only at occasional family gatherings.我只是在偶尔举行的家庭聚会上见到我的表兄弟姐妹们。The cousins rendezvoused in New York before they flew to London.这对表兄弟在纽约会合后飞往伦敦。Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们东德的兄弟姐妹则喜欢喝杜松子酒。My brother's wife and I both had babies around the same time, so the cousins are very close in age.我嫂子和我差不多同时生了孩子,因此这对表兄妹年纪相仿。He says politics and show business are kissing cousins.他说政治和娱乐业关系密切。There is a distant resemblance between the two cousins.这两个堂兄弟略微有些相似。Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer schnapps.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们的东德同胞则喜欢喝杜松子酒。The British, Canadians, and Americans might be called cousins.英国人,加拿大人和美国人可以称为兄弟。Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins.埃里克到西雅图去看望他的表兄弟。My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father's cousins.到西贡的第一个晚上,我给堂叔伯们来了个突然袭击。All my cousins were there along with my aunts and uncles.我所有的堂兄妹以及我的婶婶叔叔们都在那里。My cousins live in Colombia.我的表姐妹们住在哥伦比亚。Her cousins were babbling in an unfamiliar dialect.她的表姐妹们叽里咕噜地用陌生的方言交谈着。Later they may muddle up your names with those of your cousins.以后他们可能会把你们的名字和你们表亲的弄混。We Americans owe a great deal to our European cousins.我们美国人得到欧洲兄弟的许多帮助。Harry and I are cousins.我和哈里是堂兄弟。Many politicians want to foster closer links with our European cousins.许多政客都想和我们的欧洲邻国发展更密切的关系。Your cousins are closely akin to you.你的堂表兄弟姐妹与你是近亲。We are cousins.我们是表亲。She took them to visit her sedate, elderly cousins.她带他们去拜访她那些不苟言笑的表兄表姐们。It is not unusual for royal cousins to intermarry.王室成员堂表亲之间结婚并不少见。These pigs are close cousins of the wild hog.这些猪和野猪是近亲。It was decided that we would stay with my cousins for the duration of the war.当时决定了战争期间我们就暂住在堂兄妹的家里。The two cousins looked as if they'd been carved from blocks of ice.两个堂姊妹看起来像由冰块雕刻而成。The Polish and Russian languages are cousins.波兰语和俄语属同一语系。My cousins are coming to stay this weekend.我的表兄弟们这周末要来小住。The cousins tolerated each other, but did not really get on well together.这对表亲互相容忍,但是相处得并不真正融洽。One of my cousins is coming over from France with his wife and daughter.我的一个表亲和他的妻子女儿要从法国过来。My cousins live in France.我的堂弟生活在法国。They brought the date of the wedding forward so her cousins could attend.他们把婚礼日期提前以便她的表亲能够参加。They were distant cousins.他们是远房表亲。I have no living cousins that I know about.我不知道还有表亲在世。




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