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词汇 courts
例句 His friend is appearing in the juvenile courts.他的朋友正在少年法庭出庭受审。The hotel has several tennis and squash courts.这家宾馆有好几个网球和壁球球场。They tried to settle the dispute without recourse to the courts.他们试图不通过法庭解决这一争端。The courts awarded residency to Trisha's father.法院把监护权判给了特里沙的父亲。Employees with complaints may seek redress through the courts.投诉的员工可以通过法庭寻求赔偿。The case was tried in two jurisdictional district courts.这个案件在两个不同的管辖区法院受审。The bill leaves it up to the courts to decide what is obscene.依据该法案,淫秽物的界定权在法庭。This imposes a duty on courts to bind over parents when they have no control over their children.这就使法庭有义务在无权控制孩子的时候命令其父母具结保证。He is subject to the jurisdiction of the Indian courts.他受印度法院的管辖。Police grew frustrated because they were not getting much backup from the courts.警方变得灰心起来,因为他们没有得到法庭多少支持。The tennis courts rolled easily after the shower.阵雨过后网球场容易压平。Executive privilege gave him complete discretion to keep executive materials secret, both from Congress and the courts.行政特权使他完全可以自主决定将行政资料的内容对国会和法庭保密。He tried to prevent union money from being sequestrated by the courts.他试图阻止法院扣押工会的资产。The courts made me a ward of my aunt and she brought me up.法院指定姨母为我的监护人,她把我抚养成人。These offenders have been removed from the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts.这些罪犯已经不在少年法庭的管辖权限内了。The courts should impose tougher punishments on offenders.法庭应当对罪犯从严处罚。Recently the courts have clamped down on joy-riding.最近法庭对偷车兜风的行为进行了严惩。Alabama may have been legally forced by the courts to kill off its segregationist policies.亚拉巴马州可能已被法院依法强令终止其种族隔离政策。It's up to the courts to uphold justice - you can't take the law into your own hands.应该让法庭来主持公道,你不能自己来执法。You can always try to get your money back through the courts.你总能通过法院裁决要回你的钱。It is for the courts to decide who is liable to pay damages.应该有法庭决定谁有责任赔偿损失。State and federal courts possess concurrent jurisdiction over particular civil lawsuits.州法院和联邦法院对某些特定的民事诉讼案件拥有同等管辖权。The courts hold that this case is exceptional.法庭认定这起案件十分特殊。The courts uphold the rule of law.法院维护法治。The basketball courts bustled with pickup games.临时拼凑起来的多场比赛在篮球场上热闹地进行着。If the company chooses to pursue the matter through the courts we will defend our position vigorously.如果公司选择提起诉讼的话,我们将会有力地对我们的立场加以辩护。The courts are sending fewer offenders to prison.法院判处收监的犯人在减少。The courts ought to treat black and white defendants in exactly the same way.法庭应当对黑人和白人被告一视同仁。The courts have imposed limits on school officials’ power to dismiss teachers.法庭限制了学校高级职员解雇教师的权力。Law courts must deal with lawbreakers.法院必须惩办违法分子。In the absence of a will, the courts decide who the guardian is.在没有遗嘱的情况下,由法庭指定监护人。In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is.在没有遗嘱的情况下,由法庭指定监护人。The courts ordered the seizure of all her property.法院下令没收她的全部财产。How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women's issues?在男性占主导地位的法庭上,有多少法官对妇女问题是比较敏感的呢?The case was thrown out by the courts due to lack of evidence.由于缺乏证据,法庭拒绝受理该案。He drove through the gracious suburbs with the swimming pools and tennis courts.他驱车驶过有游泳池和网球场的高端市郊住宅区。Expected changes include a revamping of the courts.预期变化包括翻新球场。Delays in the courts are far from negligible.在法庭上的耽搁绝非无关紧要。They are set to fight it out in the courts.他们做好准备要在法庭上争到底。The courts were asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders.法庭被要求对少年犯采取更为灵活的处理方法。




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