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词汇 理会
例句 Sam was out in the cold in the conversation.在谈话中没人理会山姆。Take no notice of what you read in the papers.不要理会你在论文中读到的东西。I regarded her failure to acknowledge my greeting as a slight.她没有理会我的问候,我认为这是在轻视我。I ignored his rude remark about my clothes.我没有理会他对我的衣服所作的无礼评论。Please ignore my previous instructions.请不要理会我先前的指令。When Eric's anger is aroused, he takes no prisoners.当埃里克被激怒时,他就丝毫不会理会别人的感受。The crowd screamed for a penalty but the referee rightly ignored them.观众呐喊着要求罚点球,但是裁判作出了公正的判罚,对此没有理会She ignored his lustful glances.她没有理会他色迷迷的眼神。He ignored my glance of disapproval.他没有理会我不赞同的一瞥。I managed to pass off his insult.我终于没去理会他的侮辱。The judge instructed jurors to disregard this information.法官指示陪审员不要理会这一信息。A high-level military official warned people not to pay attention to rumours about invasion.一名高级军官告诫人们不要去理会有关入侵的谣传。The theory was dismissed as a lot of hot air.这一理论被认为是空话而没人理会He felt a heavy bump, but paid no attention to it.他觉得起了个大包,但是没有理会I ignored the next doorbell chime, and the one after that.门铃响了第二下,之后又响了一下,我都没有理会I knew they'd made a mistake, but I was too tired to make an issue of it.我知道他们犯了错,但我太累了,不想理会I'm prepared to listen to him, but I'm not going to respond to threats.我准备听他说,但不会去理会他的威胁。We ignored her drunken ramblings.我们没理会她酒后的醉言醉语。I expect the children to take notice of what I say.我期望孩子们能理会我说的话。He ignored the incredulous puffs from his audience.他没有理会听众发出的质疑声。Just ignore the bad language – they only do it to shock.不要理会那些脏话 — 他们这样做只是气你。Connie decided that discretion was the better part of valour and let the insult go unanswered.康妮决心谨慎为上,没有理会那句辱骂。I mentioned that you were unhappy with your salary, but it was passed over.我提到过你对薪资待遇不满意,但没人理会She failed to acknowledge our entrance.她没有理会我们的进入。These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored.这些人处于社会的边缘,当局认为完全不用理会他们。He kept talking but she paid him no mind.他一直说话,而她却没有理会他。Barry ignored my suggestion that he should try phoning her again.我叫巴里再打个电话给她试试看,他却没有理会He is intimidated by her complete disregard for him.她完全不理会他,这使他感到害怕。She waved aside all my objections.她完全不理会我的各种反对意见。She disdained to answer/answering his rude remarks.她不屑理会他的粗话。He managed to keep his cool and ignore her last comments.他沉住了气,没去理会她最后几句话。The crowd screamed for a penalty but the referee rightly ignored them.观众强烈要求罚球,但是裁判作出了公正的决定,对此没有理会You shouldn't pay any/much mind to what he says.你不应该理会他说的话。We complained but as usual our voices went unheard.我们投诉了,但像往常一样没人理会I have no time for her and her hoity-toity friends.我可没空去理会她和她那班轻狂的朋友。Tom paid no heed to her warning.汤姆根本没有理会她的警告。He's just teasing you. Don't pay any attention to him. = Pay no attention to him. 他不过跟你开个玩笑,不必理会His plan was dismissed outright by his friends.他的朋友们完全不理会他的计划。The actors spoke their lines mechanically, hardly caring about the meaning.演员们机械地说着台词,很少理会其中的意思。He simply ignored Sid's pleading.他完全不理会希德的请求。




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