例句 |
You should swing the club up to at least shoulder height on the backswing.后挥杆时应至少将球杆挥到肩膀的高度。Swing the club back until it is horizontal.将球杆向后挥至水平位置。Higgins chalked his cue.希金斯往球杆头上擦巧粉。Instead of being at one o'clock on the club handle, the left thumb would be directly on top of the shaft, at twelve o'clock.左手拇指不要放在球杆柄的一点钟位置,而应直接放在球杆顶部正上方位置。You can borrow golf clubs if you want a game.如果你想打高尔夫球,可以借用球杆。 |