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词汇 根基
例句 Teaching experience is a good foundation for a career in just about anything.具有教学经验几乎能为任何职业打下良好的根基I am not cast down by it because I believe in the fundamental strength of the business.这件事并没有使我灰心,因为我相信企业的深厚根基Watzlawick et al. selected two theories from the field of mathematical logic on which to base their beliefs about change.罗瓦兹拉威克等人选择了两个来自于数学逻辑领域的理论来作为他们对于变革的信念的根基Their current economic prosperity rests on rather weak foundations.他们当前的经济繁荣根基相当薄弱。The issue strikes at the very foundation of our community.这个问题直接动摇我们社区的根基The first year provides the basic groundwork for the study of science.第一年为科学研究打下根基The destruction of war and the death of millions of young people shook the foundations of Western idealism.战争的破坏和数百万年轻人的死亡动摇了西方理想主义的根基Darwin's theory rocked the scientific establishment to its foundations.达尔文的理论动摇了科学界的根基The old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power.久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。The tragedy strikes at the root of corporate liability.这一悲剧摧毁了法人责任的根基The proposed law strikes at the foundations of our democracy.这项审议法案动摇了我们的民主根基Writers such as Voltaire and Diderot were chipping away at the foundations of society.伏尔泰和狄德罗之类的作家一点一点地在动摇社会的根基The scandal has shaken the government to its foundations.丑闻动摇了政府的根基America was founded on the values of freedom and justice for all.人人自由平等的价值观是美国建国的根基Great roots based the tree columns.巨大的根基支撑着圆柱般的树木。What has happened has shaken the foundations of her belief.发生的事情动摇了她信仰的根基




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