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Some of these plants are national rarities.这些植物中有些是国家珍品。The art gallery's problem is an embarrassment of riches, with nowhere to put most of their treasures.这家美术馆的问题是藏品太丰富,大部分珍品无处陈列。The golden chanterelle, as it is commonly known, is a favorite among mushroom connoisseurs.一般人所称的鸡油菌是爱吃蘑菇的食家眼中的珍品。The Picasso painting is a prize exhibit in the museum.毕加索的画是该博物馆的珍品。This painting is the jewel in our gallery.这幅画作是本画廊的珍品。This picture would be the prize of any museum's collection.这幅画在任何一个博物馆的藏品中都将是珍品。The museum houses many priceless treasures.这家博物馆收藏了许多价值连城的珍品。He is selling most of his collection, keeping only the real rarities.他出售大部分的收藏品,只留下一些真正的珍品。The flowers have been prized over the centuries for their heady perfume.这花香气袭人,数百年来都被视为珍品。 |