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词汇 container
例句 Keep what's left in a covered container in the fridge.把剩下的倒进有盖容器里放入冰箱。Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road.拖拉机和集装箱货车已经将这条路完全堵死了。Biscuits will stay crisp if you keep them in an airtight container.如果装在密封容器里,饼干就会保持酥脆。She did a little gardening, mostly ornamentals and container plants.她搞点儿园艺,养的多是观赏植物和容器植物。It will keep indefinitely in a sealed container.它将无限期地封存在一个容器里。Heat the liquid in a large, wide container, or it can boil over.加热液体时要用一个宽大的容器,否则会往外溢。Spoon the ice-cream into a rigid plastic container and freeze.把冰淇淋舀入硬的塑料容器里冷冻。The drugs were found on a container ship that was bound for Spain.在一条开往西班牙的集装箱船中发现了毒品。I think there is still a little sugar left in the bottom of the box/container.我想盒子/容器底部还剩了点糖。A dollop of milk was left in the container.容器中剩了一点儿牛奶。I can reuse that container.我可以重复使用那个容器。The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it.那集装箱是隐形的,只有用紫外线照射才能看见。Fill the container with water.把容器装满水。You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or what have you.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等东西。Many towns allow recyclable items to be commingled for collection in a single container.在许多城镇,可回收物品可以混放在一个容器里统一收走。Keep the seeds in an airtight container.把种子保存在不透气的容器里。You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or whatnot.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等诸如此类的东西。The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container.原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it.将胡椒粒储存在密封容器中,在需要的时候磨成粉。These devices comprise a container receiving the cosmetic product for example in liquid form.这些装置组成了一个盛装液体样品的化妆品容器。Make sure the container remains in an upright position.要确保那个容器保持直立。The weight of the upper container has concaved the lid of the one beneath it.上方容器的重量把放在它下方的容器的盖子给压得凹进去了。The true expansion of a liquid takes into account the expansion of the container.液体的真膨胀是把容器的膨胀考虑在内的。I have overcome this problem by placing a sheet of polythene over the top of the container.我在容器上盖了一片聚乙烯塑料薄膜,解决了这个问题。The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被置于一个密封容器里冷却,让它凝成液态锌。He shaved some butter from the container.他从盒里刮了点儿黄油。The crane lifted the container off the ship.起重机吊起了船上的集装箱。Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.打开容器时要戴好护眼用具,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。Store in an airtight container.储存在密封容器里。The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it.那个柜子只有用紫外线照射才可以看见。Place them in a jam jar, porcelain bowl, or other similar container.将它们装入果酱罐、瓷碗或其他类似容器中。You left the container open.你没把包装袋口封上。A band of plastic holds the lid on the container.容器上的盖子箍着一圈塑料条。Consider fitting a fireproof lidded container to your letterbox.考虑一下给你的信箱配备一个带有防火盖的箱体。We each grabbed a container of ice cream and chowed down.我们每人抓了一盒冰淇淋大吃起来。Punch a few holes in the bottom of the container for drainage.在容器底部打几个洞以便排水。The container should be kept upright to prevent leaks.这种容器应竖放以防泄漏。Strain the stock and put in a sealed container. It should stay fresh for up to three days.把高汤滤出来放在一个密封的容器里,这应该可以保鲜三天。Ask the children to guess what's in each container by dipping their hands in.让孩子们伸手进去摸摸,猜猜每个容器里面是什么。Do not fill the container more than two-thirds full.灌入的量别超过容器总容量的三分之二。




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