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词汇 永远不
例句 He was not a paragon. He would never be perfect.他不是完人,永远不会十全十美。How far do you think the novel supports the idea that women should never rely on men?你认为这部小说在多大程度上支持女性永远不该依靠男性这一观点?The moral of this story is that you should never take things for granted.这个故事的寓意是永远不要想当然。I'll never forget the look in her eyes.永远不会忘记她的眼神。We will never forget the mischiefs they have done to us.我们永远不会忘记他们对我们的种种伤害。We thought they'd never end.我们觉得它们永远不会结束。Memories of happy days on the hills never fade.在山上的那些幸福日子的回忆永远不会淡忘。Answers to such questions would never be known with certainty.这类问题永远不可能知道确切的答案。He vowed that he would never desert a friend in trouble.他发誓永远不抛弃处于困境的朋友。I recall a conversation in which he told me he would never leave Paris.我回想起他在一次谈话中告诉我他永远不会离开巴黎。She would never feel welcome in this city with its cold, unsmiling inhabitants.置身这个城市里冷漠、面无笑容的居民之中,她永远不会感到受欢迎。She'll never believe me. Not in a million years.她决不会相信我,永远不会。I've never read the book and I never will read it.这本书我从没读过,也永远不会去读。You never know what's going to happen from one moment to the next.永远不知道接着还会发生什么事。At what point did you realize that your book would never be published?你是在什么时候意识到你的书永远不会出版的?I'm never going back home.永远不回家。You never know what's going to happen when they get together.永远不知道他们聚在一起会发生什么事。Jim's never going to amount to much.吉姆永远不会有多大出息。They will never fully appreciate their luck.他们永远不会充分认识到自己是多么的幸运。I shall never forget her kindness to me.永远不会忘记她给我的帮助。We'll never know what really happened.我们永远不会知道到底发生了什么事。I knew I was never in any danger with my stalwart bodyguard around me.我知道有强壮的保镖在我的周围,我永远不会有什么危险。He's vowed never ever to talk about anything personal in public, ever again.他已发誓再也不当众谈论任何个人的事情,永远不It scared him to think that his mother might never recover.想起母亲可能永远不会康复了,他就害怕。I would never say this in front of my mother.永远不会在我母亲面前这样说的。I could never excuse his bad manners.永远不会原谅他的无礼行为。I wanted the weekend to last forever.我真希望那个周末永远不会结束。You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。He said he would never grovel before a conqueror.他说他永远不会在征服者脚下摇尾乞怜。How he finagled four front row seats to the game I'll never know.他是怎样骗到比赛的四张前排票子的,我永远不会知道。My friends and family laughed in my face and told me I'd never do it.我的朋友和家人当面嘲笑我,对我说我永远不可能成功。The editor's decision is final and shall evermore remain so.编辑的决定是最终性的,而且应该永远不会改变。That was a mistake. We'll never do it again.那是个错误,我们永远不会再犯了。I'll never ever forgive him for leaving me.永远不会原谅他离开我。You never know when your number is up. 永远不会知道何时是你的死期。Without a job, he'll never clear his debts.没有工作的话,他永远不可能还清债务。Winter seemed to stretch endlessly ahead.冬天似乎永远不会过去。The farm will never be a paying proposition. 这家农场永远不会赢利。The thing about talk shows is that you never know how they will turn out.脱口秀节目的问题是你永远不知道结局会怎样。Such a radical proposal would never get through parliament.如此激进的提案永远不会得到议会的批准。




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