例句 |
Garson swung at the ball and missed.加森挥拍击球,但没打中。He fired the final shot but missed again.他打出最后一枪,但又没打中。He aimed at the bird but missed.他瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中。He threw a book at me, but he/it missed.他朝我扔了一本书,但没打中。She swung the bat but missed the ball.她挥棒却没打中球。He shot at a bird, but missed it.他开枪打鸟,但没打中。I aimed at the bird but missed.我瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中。When I'd missed a few times, he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it.好几次我都没打中,于是他建议我把步枪放在岩石上面以稳定枪托。She took a shot at me with a snowball but missed.她试图用雪球砸我,但没打中。The shot was wide anyway.不管怎样,这枪没打中。 |