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词汇 玩家
例句 These bonuses will actually render back a certain percentage of money to their players.这些奖励实际上会把一部分钱返还给玩家You can talk to other avatars with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble.你可以和其他玩家的虚拟化身交谈,你所键入的话语会出现在你虚拟化身头上的一个卡通对话框中。A throw of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷一次骰子,玩家可相应向前移动。This course for bridge players with some experience is intended as a follow-on to the Beginners' course.这门课程面向有一定经验的桥牌玩家,是初级课程的延续。After players accumulate enough points, they may exchange them for a wide variety of merchandise.有了足够的积分,玩家可用以换取多种商品。West leads a heart.西首边的玩家率先出了一张红桃。Players must register online before playing the game.玩游戏之前玩家必须先进行网上注册。Each player throws the dice in turn.每个玩家轮流掷骰子。Online gaming allows players from around the world to challenge each other.网络游戏使得全球的玩家可以相互较量。These golf clubs are for the professional rather than for the average player.这些高尔夫俱乐部是为职业球员而不是为一般玩家设立的。The croupier dealt each player a card, face down.赌台管理员给每位玩家正面朝下发了一张牌。Each player in turn must play a card.每个玩家依次必须出一张牌。Throws of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷骰子后,玩家可相应向前移动。Up to six players can play this game on-line.最多能有六名玩家在网上玩这种游戏。Each player throws/rolls one die.每位玩家掷一个色子。Dalton dealt out five cards to each player.道尔顿给每个玩家发了五张牌。Games often have software tools that players can use to build new levels or custom tournaments.游戏通常都带有软件工具,玩家可用以构建新级别或定制比赛。Each player put in his ante.每个玩家都押上了赌注。




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