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词汇 猛然
例句 Janet inhaled sharply when she saw him.珍妮特看见他时猛然倒吸了一口气。I skidded and went bang into the wall.我脚下一滑,猛然撞到了墙上。It was a rude awakening to learn after I left home that I wasn't so special anymore.离家后我才猛然意识到自己不再有什么特别。His head jerked up and he stared at me.猛然抬起头来并盯着我看。It was a rude awakening to learn I wasn't so special.猛然意识到自己没有什么特别。When the realization hit her, she just sat there looking dazed.猛然清醒过来,就坐在那里,显得神志恍惚。I thrust at him with my sword.我拿著剑向他猛然刺去。Kevin pounced on Liam and started hitting him.凯文猛然扑向利亚姆并开始打他。My car ran bump into the wall.我的汽车猛然撞上墙壁。The horse bucked the rider off.猛然弓背跃起把骑者摔了下来。The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in.为了挣脱紧勒的缰绳,公马猛然弓背跳起。He was suddenly overcome with remorse for the harm he had done.猛然对自己造成的伤害感到懊悔不已。The explosion jolted the ship.爆炸使船体猛然摇晃。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power.油门猛然加大到几乎让人恐惧的程度,整个汽车剧烈震颤着。The cops burst the door open.警察猛然把门打开。He realized with a bang that he was late.猛然意识到自己迟到了。He wound a handle and the lift ground to a halt.他拧转把手,升降梯猛然停住。The bus careered off the road and hit a tree.那辆公交车猛然冲出路面,撞到树上。I turned my body sharply in the chair.我在椅子上猛然转过身。The old bus stopped with a jerk.那辆旧公共汽车猛然一颠停住了。I had to apply the brakes rather abruptly at a red light.红灯亮了,我不得不猛然踩下刹车。The canoe swung around sharply.独木舟猛然掉头。He flung the door open with violence.猛然将门打开。The train jerked forwards.火车猛然往前一颠。Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him.听到他话中的讽刺口气,她猛然转过身面对着他。Graham looked up sharply, startled by a noise behind him.格雷厄姆被身后的声音吓了一跳,猛然抬头看了看。Standing up too quickly usually makes her light-headed.猛然站起来通常会使她感到头晕目眩。I felt the fishing line jerk.我感觉到钓线猛然一动。He dashed in and threw open the windows.他冲进来,猛然打开窗子。Linda leapt to her feet, her dark eyes blazing with anger.琳达猛然跳了起来,黑色的眼睛里燃烧着怒火。She turned abruptly and went back inside.猛然转身回到屋里去。Darby was looking for a way to improve iron when he hit upon the idea of smelting it with coke instead of charcoal.达比一直在寻找改善铁质的方法,他猛然想到可以不用木炭熔炼,而改用焦炭。The horse bucked and unseated its rider.这匹马猛然跃起,把骑手从马鞍上摔了下来。The engine roared, and the vehicle leapt forward.发动机轰鸣着,车子猛然冲出去。I realized with a jolt that I would never see her again.猛然意识到以后再也见不到她了。This sent her into paroxysms of laughter.这让她猛然大笑起来。The plane swooped in on its bombing run.飞机猛然俯冲下来轰炸。




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